Program Curriculum & Competencies
Master of Medical Science in Physician Assistant Studies
Program Overview
The Master of Medical Science in Physician Assistant (PA) Studies Program at Frostburg State University (FSU) is a professional degree program intended to prepare students academically and professionally for responsibilities, services, and leadership as a Physician Assistant. This graduate education program consists of two phases spanning 24 months to include intersessions and summers with a total of 117 credits. Phase I (didactic phase) represents the pre-clinical year and spans the first 12 months, representing 68 program credits. Phase II (clinical field education phase) represents 49 program credits including ten diverse supervised clinical field experiences (Supervised Clinical Practice Experience or SCPEs) and a four credit summative capstone course over a period of 12 months. Categorical learning domains include human anatomy, basic medical sciences, clinical medicine, clinical assessment and diagnostics, clinical patient care skills and interventions, professional development, research, and multiple field practice experiences. The program reserves the right to modify the curriculum sequence as deemed appropriate. The program additionally reserves the right to add additional courses after obtaining the approval of the University's curriculum change process committees.
Supervised Clinical Education Experiences (SCPEs)
Each of the Supervised Clinical Placement Experiences (SCPE) spans a 4-week period, with the exception of one SCPE which will be three (3) weeks and begin and end over the course of the second phase of the program (clinical field education). All PA students advance through the seven required SCPEs and three elective SCPEs during the second phase of the program. Only students deemed to be in good academic standing by the program are permitted to complete an elective. Specific SCPEs may be assigned to students deemed at risk by the clinical coordinator in place of an elective. Students may submit a request for a particular discipline with the understanding that the sequence of clinical placements is determined by the Clinical Coordinator (CC). Whenever possible, students are placed at clinical sites within a 150-mile radius of USMH and considered part of the western Maryland region. However, due to changes in availability of individual clinical sites, it is sometimes necessary for a student to travel further than this distance. In accordance with our mission, the program will also strive to assure that students are placed in one to three sites considered to be a rural area or which serves a large population of medically underserved patients.
It is the responsibility of the PA Program and not the students to identify and schedule sites used for the SCPEs. (ARC-PA Standard A3.03). It may be possible for a student to suggest a clinical site for his or her use that is or is not part of the established clinical network of preceptors. Such sites must meet all the established educational goals for the clinical experience and must agree to become legally affiliated with the FSU PA Program during the time the student is attending the site. The priority will be focused on established local sites and establishing new local sites.
No student is permitted to contact a potential preceptor directly. All contact information must be provided to the PA program’s clinical coordinator to contact preceptors. Students are prohibited from contacting and making arrangements for their own clinical placement sites. Failure to follow this protocol can result in dismissal from the program. It is the discretion of the PA Program to utilize student-identified sites and not all students may be placed at sites which they identify/request.
Students will be required to have reliable transportation and are responsible for the costs incurred for transportation and housing during all SCPEs whether placed there by their choice or by the program.
Course Sequence
The following clinical courses will be offered in variable sequence over the 4 semesters during phase II of the program: DPAM 700 Family Medicine, DPAM 701 Internal Medicine, DPAM 702 Pediatrics, DPAM 703 General Surgery, DPAM 704 Psychiatric Medicine, DPAM 705 Women's Health, DPAM 706 Emergency Medicine, DPAM 707 Elective
Program Competencies
Upon completion of the FSU PA Program, graduates are expected to be competent in the following areas with an emphasis on rural and medically underserved populations:
Medical Knowledge
MK Demonstrate an understanding for the medical, behavioral and social knowledge necessary to evaluate and manage patients across all ages and patient populations in both primary care and specialty settings.
Interpersonal Skills and Communication:
IPS 1 Elicit an accurate medical history from patients.
IPS 2 Perform a detailed physical exam relevant to the medical history.
IPS 3 Document a clinical encounter in the patient record.
IPS 4 Deliver accurate patient education that encompasses verbal, non-verbal and written forms of information to the patient and their care team that considers disease prevention and health awareness.
IPS 5 Provide an oral presentation of a clinical encounter.
IPS 6 Give or receive a patient handover to transition care responsibly.
Clinical Problem Solving:
CPS 1 Demonstrate an ability to formulate a differential diagnosis following a clinical encounter.
CPS 2 Demonstrate an ability to recommend and interpret appropriate diagnostic studies to assist in the evaluation and treatment of the patient.
CPS 3 Demonstrate the ability to develop and implement an appropriate therapeutic management plan, either pharmacological or non-pharmacological, based on the patient's medical history, physical exam and diagnostic study findings.
CPS 4 Recognize a patient requiring urgent or emergent care, and initiate evaluation and management.
CPS 5 Demonstrate an ability to make informed decisions about the care of patients consistent with up-to-date scientific evidence, patient preferences, and sound clinical judgment.
CPS 6 Identify system failures and contribute to a culture of safety and improvement.
Technical Skills:
TS Demonstrate the ability to obtain informed consent and perform the following clinical procedures:
- Peripheral intravenous access
- Joint injection and aspiration
- Simple laceration repair including wound care, and local anesthesia
- Urinary catheterization
- Pelvic speculum exams with specimen collection
- Splinting
- Incision and drainage of abscess
- Shave and punch biopsy
PROF Demonstrate professionalism with high ethical principles, sensitivity, and responsiveness to all patients, their care teams, and members of the healthcare team.