Globular Clusters

Digital Photographs and Associated Astronomical Information By Dr. Greg Latta
And The CCD Astronomy Team At
Frostburg State University

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M4.GIF The globular cluster M4 in the constellation Scorpius.
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GIF47kB CaptionCaption
The globular star cluster M4 in Scorpius is one of the largest and nearest objects of its type. Arguably the easiest of all the bright globulars to locate.

M13.GIFThe great globular star cluster in Hercules, M13.
New, updated image!

M13.GIF48kB CaptionCaption
A view of the globular cluster M13 in Hercules, the finest cluster of its type in the northern half of the sky and one of the most spectacular telescopic objects in the heavens.

M22.GIFThe globular star cluster M22 in Sagittarius.
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M22.GIF83kB CaptionCaption
M22WIDE.GIFWide Field Image (68kB) CaptionCaption
M22 is a wonderful globular star cluster, ranking among the six finest in the entire heavens. In the northern sky it is equalled only by the great M13 in Hercules.

M80.GIF The globular cluster M80 in Scorpius.
M80.GIF39kB CaptionCaption
M80 is a small but very bright globular cluster located a little more than 4 degrees NW of the star Antares.

M92.GIF The globular star cluster M92 in Hercules.
New updated, image!

M92.GIF43kB CaptionCaption
The globular star cluster M92 in Hercules is a rich, beautiful, globular cluster that would normally be considered a major show object. However, M92 is somewhat overshadowed by the better known M13, which is also in Hercules.

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