Dr. Greg Latta's CCD Astrophotography Page

A Collection of Digital Photographs and Associated Astronomical Information
By Dr. Greg Latta And The CCD Astronomy Team At
Frostburg State University

Please Select A Category:
Globular Clusters
Globular Clusters
Diffuse Nebulae
Diffuse Nebulae

If you would like to know more about astrophotography,
Ms. Rachel Martin's youth center photography class found
the following link useful for beginners in astrophotography:
A Beginner's Guide To Astrophotography

If you would like to learn about camera lenses, check out
Camera Systems - How Lenses Work

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Questions, Comments, and E-Mail

LetterIf you have any questions or comments, you can send E-Mail to Dr. Greg Latta at glatta@frostburg.edu

Thanks for stopping by!