NOAA Weather Radio
Frostburg, MD
You can receive up to the minute weather forecasts and information by
tuning in to the Frostburg area NOAA Weather Radio transmitter on 162.425 MHz.
To do this you will need a radio capable of tuning in the broadcasts. Such
receivers are available at local stores such as Radio Shack and Wal-Mart. For
more information you can read the flyer below.
(Note: Some versions of Internet Explorer and other browsers are set to
automatically resize images to fit the screen, which could make the pamphlet
below harder to read. To disable this feature in Internet Explorer, go to the
"Tools" menu and click on "Internet Options". Then click on
the "Advanced" tab and scroll down to the Multimedia section. There
you will find a box labeled "Image Resizing". Set it to turn off
image resizing.)
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Questions, Comments, and E-Mail
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comments, you can send E-Mail to Dr. Greg Latta at
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