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Main Page and Introduction | Head Button Construction |
Head Construction | Jet Construction |
Body Construction | Final Assembly and Operation |
Hero or Heron of
Alexandria is credited with the first written record of a steam engine
between 10 and 70 A.D. Hero's Aeolipile is actually a
reaction steam turbine. In a reaction steam turbine, the steam is ejected from
several jets, which operate like little jet or rocket engines. (The other type
of turbine, an impulse turbine, operates by blowing the steam against a turbine
blade, much as the air blows against a windmill.)
The reaction turbine is a beautiful example of Newton's Third Law of Motion, the Law of Action and Reaction. Models of Hero's engine can be found in a variety of places on the web. Kenyon College has a nice collection of Hero engines, and NASA has the instructions for a Hero engine made from a soda pop can on their web site.
Having built a variety of reciprocating steam engines, I decided it would be nice to design and build my own Hero steam engine. I wanted the engine to be more elegant than some others I had seen, and I wanted it to have interchangeable jets so I could study the effect of jet size on the operation of the engine. I also wanted it to be able to actually build up a head of steam, so that it would continue to operate for a short time after it was removed from its source of heat.
The resulting engine and its construction is detailed in these pages. The engine is made out of brass because brass is denser than aluminum, and the extra heat capacity of the brass allows the engine to continue to run after being removed from the source of heat. (The engine can be made out aluminum if brass is too expensive or too hard to obtain.) Interchangeable brass jets screw into the sides of the engine. The engine is supported by a stainless steel ball bearing fishing spinner, and runs nicely on the heat from an alcohol burner, propane torch, or Bunsen burner. A lathe and milling machine are needed to build the engine, though one could probably use a drill press in place of the milling machine. Below is a picture of the finished engine. I had a lot of fun designing and building the engine. I hope you enjoy reading about it, and I hope you will try building your own.
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