Thank You and Best Wishes

Frostburg State University wishes the following faculty and staff the best of luck in retirement. 


Carol “Sue” Barnard, housekeeper, Physical Plant, joined FSU in 1994.

Wallace Beery, housekeeper lead, Physical Plant, joined FSU in 1988.

Dean Bolden, carpenter, Physical Plant, joined FSU in 1999.

Carla Boone ’01, administrative assistant II, Information Technology, joined FSU in 1983.

Alan Eichhorn, locksmith, Physical Plant, joined FSU in 1979.

Teresa Feck ’87/M’98, IT system analyst senior, IT Applications and Development, joined FSU in 1990.

Valerie Fritz, academic lab manager, Biology, joined FSU in 2001.

Floyd Kaylor, shopkeeper II, Physical Plant, joined FSU in 1998.

Debra Koon, administrative assistant II, Psychology, joined FSU in 1970.

Darrel Lane, voice communication specialist, IT Infrastructure, joined FSU in 1994.

Richard “Bruce” Lehman, senior system programmer, IT Applications and Development, joined FSU in 1989.

Linda Lewis, executive administrative assistant I, joined FSU in 1999.

William Mandicott, assistant vice president, Student and Community Involvement, joined FSU in 1989.

Cheryl McKenzie, housekeeper supervisor I, Physical Plant, joined FSU in 1999.

Alice Minnick, office clerk II, Residence Life, joined FSU in 1994.

Constance Ralston M’76, assistant director, Upward Bound, joined FSU in 1978.

Dr. George “Brad” Rinard, professor, Computer Science and Information Technologies, joined FSU in 1991.

Glen Scott, MT maintenance aide II, Residence Life, joined FSU in 2004.

Tamera Shockey, academic program specialist, College of Business, joined FSU in 1991.

Dr. Thomas Sigerstad, associate dean, College of Business, joined FSU in 2001.

Larry Thuss, housekeeper, Physical Plant, joined FSU in 1991.

David Webb ’88, contract and grant specialist, Office of Sponsored Programs, joined FSU in 1989.

Gale Yutzy, administrative assistant II, Geography, joined FSU in 1991.


Retirements from February to May 2022