Documentation Requirements

Students should start by completing either the Accessibility Accommodation Request Form or the ESA/Service Animal Request Form. Students must have a qualified healthcare or mental health provider complete the Provider Portal to upload pertinent information or scan medical documentation to For more information on the type of documentation, please see below.

To receive disability services, the student is required to provide documentation of their disability. This documentation may be in the form of a report, summary of test results, letter, Individual Education Plan (IEP)*, 504 Plan*, (*Please note we do not accept 504/IEP forms by themselves; however, they can be included as supplemental documentation.), or other formal documentation. This documentation must meet the following standards:

  1. Documentation must be appropriate. This means that the documentation must address those items relevant to the student's specific claim of disability, outlined below.
  2. Documentation must be generated by a qualified professional and include that professional's name, title, license number, signature, address, and telephone number. A qualified professional is an individual licensed or a formally recognized expert in a particular medical, psychological, and/or educational field which authorizes them to make diagnoses and prescriptive recommendations in that field.
  3. Documentation must contain a clear statement of diagnosis. The specific diagnosis/disabling condition needs to be on the evaluator’s/agency letterhead. 
  4. Documentation must contain a description of those functional limitations related to the student's disability which adversely impact her/him in an academic environment. Functional limitations are those which prevent a student from performing, or limit performance, as a result of her/his disability.
  5. Documentation must contain a discussion or data which supports the diagnosis. This supporting discussion or data might consist of a summary of test results or an explanation of the evidence leading to the diagnosis. It is preferred that supporting data for learning disabilities and attention deficit disorders consist of a psycho-educational evaluation comprised of the following components:
  • Aptitude Testing
    Example: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R)
  • Achievement Testing
    Example: Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery
  • Assessment of Information Processing
    Example: Bender-Gestalt Perceptual-Motor Test

***Submit what documentation you have. There is not a prescribed amount of time or recency for the assessment or diagnosis to be made to establish disability to start the process at Frostburg State University. Each submission is examined on a case-by-case basis.