
Looking to return to Frostburg to finish your degree, get a second major or take some non-degree courses?

If you previously were admitted and attended the University and have been absent for one semester or more, you must submit an application for readmission. Contact the Admissions Office for a fee waiver request.

Once you complete your online application, you have a few next steps.

Submit official transcripts

Submit official college transcripts of any institution you have attended since leaving Frostburg State University. If you have not attended another university but have an absence of five calendar years or more from the University, you must resubmit official transcripts of all colleges attended.

Request Grade Forgiveness (for eligible students)

If you are an undergraduate student applying for readmission after an absence of at least five calendar years, you may petition the Admissions Office to remove up to 16 credits and their corresponding course grades from the calculation of your cumulative grade point average. To earn this grade forgiveness, you must:

  1. consult with the chair of the department in which you are majoring and
  2. file a petition specifying the course credits to be deleted. This petition must be filed at the time of readmission and before you register for classes. To be eligible for this restricted grade forgiveness policy, you must re-enroll in course work at Frostburg State University. You may only use the restricted grade forgiveness policy for returning students once in your undergraduate career.

Office of Admissions

  • Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
  • Follow Frostburg State Admissions on Social Media