Dorothy Stone White

Alpha Xi Delta
Faculty 1955-1969

A message from the Contributors

Dorothy Stone White

"Dorothy Stone White was a special lady." "She was a 'ray of sunshine'." "She was a powerful influence in my personal life."

Those are common sentiments heard when talking with Frostburg students and faculty who knew the white haired powerhouse, affectionately known as "Dotty Rock." And with a twinkle in her eye, she would remind you that her hair was really "platinum blonde".

Dorothy Stone White started her career at Frostburg State Teacher's College in 1954. She taught English, speech and drama and held the position of Director of Theatre Arts. Ms White directed the first theatre production in Compton Hall in 1955 and continued sharing her love of the theatre with students and faculty alike until her retirement in 1969.

Her influence extended to the community at large when she became the publicist for her many student productions. She had a keen sense of timing and creativity that she used to spark interest and draw in the general public though out Western Maryland. Her community outreach extended beyond the Frostburg campus when she shared her theatrical knowledge with students in Washington County via closed circuit television in 1957, '58 and '60.

Dorothy Stone White was instrumental in establishing the Gamma Psi chapter of Alpha Xi Delta sorority at Frostburg in 1961. At a time when women, living within a strict dress code, wore skirts and dresses to class, Ms White worked tirelessly to instill appropriate demeanor for a lady.

She not only taught manners and etiquette, she lived her own life by the high standards she championed. She always dressed impeccably and was a true mentor and role model for women on campus. She served as Gamma Psi chapter director for 15 years, directly influencing the lives of many, many young women.

Dorothy Stone White was also deeply involved in the Kappa Pi Cast of Alpha Psi Omega, national honorary dramatic fraternity and served as co-advisor of the Canterbury Association of Episcopal students. In 1964 she was involved with the revival of summer theatre.

Ms White was originally from Marietta, OH. She received her A.B. & M.A. degrees at West Virginia University. While in Morgantown, Ms. White was a member of Trinity Episcopal Church and the Iota Chapter of Alpha Xi Delta sorority.

Ms White began her teaching career at the Allegheny County Academy in Cumberland, MD. She then moved to Morgantown High School where she taught sophomore English and was director of dramatics. She also directed the Community Theatre in Morgantown.

While at Frostburg, Ms White participated in various courses of study at Carnegie Tech, Cambridge, Harvard and Stanford to enhance her knowledge of the theatre. She also spent a semester in Europe attending the great theatres from Greece to Scotland.

Ms White returned to Morgantown after retiring from Frostburg in 1969. She died in 1987 at the age of 84.