Advocate Toolkit

You can make an impact with #Bobcatgivingday. Help us spread the word by  becoming an Advocate:  

  • Offer a match or challenge gift to rally others to give. 
    • Offering a Match means that you’ll give a number of dollars for each dollar or donor that the campaign receives up to your specified maximum gift amount. Offering a Challenge means that you’ll give a gift only if the campaign receives a certain number of donors or dollars after you set up the Challenge. You can restrict both Matches and Challenges to apply to donors from a group affiliation i.e. Faculty/Staff, your class year, to the fund of your choice, or to specific people. 
  • Create a Personal Plea video and upload it to the campaign. 
    • A Personal Plea is a short video in which you share why you’re excited about the campaign, and why you want others to get involved. Shooting a short video on your cell phone is all you need to do to add your story to the campaign! After recording your video, head to the Advocates section on the campaign page to upload your Personal Plea.
  • Share the campaign link via  social media, text, or email with friends and colleagues. Tag your posts with #Bobcatgivingday
    • Example sharing message: "I'm proud to join in #Bobcatgivingday by making a gift to the area that means the most to me. Want to join too? Make a gift to 2024 Bobcat Giving Day in support of the Fund that means the most to YOU." 
    • Pro tip: Visit the campaign page and create/log into a GiveCampus user account, then use the sharing buttons (near the video and in the 'Advocates' section) to share the campaign via Facebook, Twitter, text message, and/or email. When you use these buttons to share the campaign while logged into your GiveCampus user account, the number of gifts and dollars generated by your sharing will be tracked next to your name on the Advocates tab.

Download an image to include when you share the campaign link with friends, colleagues, and family:  

  • Mac: Control + click > 'Save Image As. . .' 
  • PC: Right-click > 'Save Image As. . . ' 
  • Smartphone: Tap and hold image until 'Save Image' option appears

Pro Tips: 1080 x 1920 works for most mobile phones. Wallpapers work well on instagram stories, too!