Faculty Highlights

May 18, 2023 2:17 PM

Dr. Jeff Farr and Dr. Martin Barrett

Students from Dr. Barrett’s Fall 2022 RECR 430 Sport Promotion class collected data as part of a class project. Students were on campus asking that other students complete a survey. As part of this, all students were required to complete CITI Training in order to receive IRB approval for the research. At the end of the semester, the students presented their findings and recommendations to the Athletic Department explaining how to act on the data.

This semester, both Dr. Farr and Dr. Barrett attended the College Sport Research Institute Conference at the University of South Carolina in March and presented the research findings via a poster. Additionally, Dr. Farr assisted two undergraduate students, Mayah Morant and Isaiah Sewell, with their presentation on this research (again as a poster) as part of the university's Undergraduate Research Symposium.

The following publication is the compilation of their collective research. Dr. Barrett says that “the work has been a valuable journey.” Please see the attached article.

Barrett, M. & Farr, J. R. (2023). Marketing Division II athletics to college students: The perceived effectiveness of internally focused promotion tactics. The Sport Journal. https://thesportjournal.org/article/marketing-division-ii-athletics-to-college-students-the-perceived-effectiveness-of-internally-focused-promotion-tactics/