College of Education and Health & Natural Sciences News
The College of Education and Health and Natural Sciences (CEHNS) completed their first year together as a new college. The year was filled with exciting opportunities to re-imagine the structure of the combined new departments.
Oct 23, 2024

The Nursing department continues to expand, grow, prepare, and educate nurses throughout the country.
Oct 23, 2024

The Physician Assistant (PA) program demonstrates its involvement in continuous program improvement. Under the direction of Dr. Todd Doran, the program has spent the last year completing a self-study review for continuing accreditation (PA-ARC).
Oct 22, 2024

The Chemistry Program has accomplished several things this year. They have successfully integrated both chemistry and physics into one department, merging faculty and staff and sharing laboratories.
Oct 22, 2024

Dr. Yum Nguyen in his first year as department chair of Kinesiology took the helm of two programs which recently received their full continuing accreditation from their respective national accreditors.
Oct 22, 2024

Between Biology, Health Sciences and Wildlife & Fisheries, 18 faculty members published articles in refereed journals, chapters in textbooks, and reviewed manuscripts for national publications.
Oct 22, 2024

The Department of Educational Professions continues to revise its curriculum and streamline course offerings in order to be more efficient and effective.
Oct 22, 2024

The Department of Geography, in collaboration with the Maryland Regional GIS Center, hosted a Bones and Drones Event in April of 2024.
Oct 22, 2024

Oct 21, 2024

The summer of 2023 marked a significant milestone for Frostburg State University with the opening of the new Education and Health Sciences building.
Jun 4, 2024

This summer the 5th annual F2T2 STEAM camp will be held in the Education & Health Sciences Center building in room 218 from June 10-12, 26 middle school students from Allegany County will be participating in STEAM related activities including scribble bots, catapult launching, mini airplane testing, and pixel building. The campers will visit four other departments on campus for additional activities that include: Mass Communication, Nursing, Theater, and Health & Wellness Education.
May 1, 2024
Apr 25, 2024

News Story: In recognition of Administrative Professionals Day, Robert Flanigan, Frostburg’s mayor, presented a proclamation to a group of administrative professionals from FSU who are current participants or graduates of ADAPT (Administrative Development and Professional Training). Frostburg State University 2024
Apr 25, 2024

News Story: In recognition of Administrative Professionals Day, Robert Flanigan, Frostburg’s mayor, presented a proclamation to a group of administrative professionals from FSU who are current participants or graduates of ADAPT (Administrative Development and Professional Training). Frostburg State University 2024
Apr 22, 2024

Congratulations to Mariah Pritts, a graduate student of the Applied Ecology and Conservation Biology program, on her second-place award for research at the joint meeting of The Helminthological Society of Washington and the Southeastern Society of Parasitologists at the Virginia Military Institute April 18-20. Pritts’ presentation was titled “The Use of Lectins and Fluorescence Microscopy to Reveal Carbohydrate Arrangements on ‘Brugia malayi’ Anatomy.”
Apr 22, 2024

Pictured here are students from the College of Education, and Health & Natural Sciences. Frostburg State University’s Dean of the College of Arts, Humanities and Social & Behavioral Sciences, Dr. Michael Mathias, and Dean of the College of Education and Health & Natural Sciences, Dr. Boyce Williams, recently hosted the 23rd Annual Deans’ Student Colloquium and dinner.
Apr 18, 2024

In Prince George’s County, Maryland, teenagers break into groups of four to work through scenarios and practice how they would respond to violent events or medical emergencies. They are participating in a workshop hosted by GoodWorks, a nonprofit led by a Gen-Z team of staff and volunteers that equips youth with the skills needed to help in these types of situations.
Apr 15, 2024

Gov. Wes Moore, along with Dr. Traki Taylor, FSU provost and vice president of Academic Affairs, and Dr. Boyce Williams, dean of the FSU College of Education and Health and Natural Sciences, at the ribbon cutting of the FSU Education and Health Sciences Center. On April 13, Gov. Wes Moore, along with state and local leaders, visited FSU for the dedication and ribbon cutting for the new Education and Health Sciences Center on FSU’s campus.
Mar 19, 2024

Dr. Rebecca Blahus, Adjunct Professor at Frostburg State University, and Mrs. Brittany Rhodes, Denmark HS, presented at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) on 02/17/24 in Denver, Colorado. The presentation, titled Social and Emotional Learning at Middle and High School Levels - What Are Students Saying?, focused on the significance of incorporating socio-emotional learning in Secondary schools.
Mar 18, 2024

News Story: On March 13, 2024 the Children’s Literature Centre staff and 2 dog friends joined in on a literacy celebration at Flintstone Elementary (FE)! FE participates in the “One Book One School” program where a book is chosen (this year was “Dogtown" by Katherine Applegate ) and read across all grade levels of the school. Frostburg State University | Frostburg, Md. 2024
Mar 12, 2024

Students from Northern and Southern High Schools were given the opportunity to visit the new health sciences building on 03/08/2024. In the high schools, these students chose the Allied Health pathway where they take four classes resulting in a CNA certification with a successful passing score on the final assessment. Guests were very impressed and said, after the tour, they were interested in attending one of the Nursing programs that FSU offers!
Mar 8, 2024

On March 7, 2024, the CLC hosted a local Girl Scout troop for the evening to read and complete activities! The Girl Scouts have a motto: “Girls lead with courage, confidence, and character to make the world a better place.” So, with the help of Dr. O’Neal, the CLC director, and Ellie Bolton, AmeriCorps member serving through the CLC, the Girl Scouts were read “The Bold Brave Bunny” by Beth Ferry which focuses on one of 3 “C’s” of Girl Scouts, courage!
Mar 7, 2024

The Children’s Literature Centre announces that its 41st annual Spring Festival of Children’s Literature will be held on Friday, April 26, and Saturday, April 27, at FSU. Each year, librarians, educators, parents and FSU students come to share their love of children’s literature and learn about successful ways to share that love with children.
Mar 1, 2024

The Master of Science in Athletic Training has been granted continuing accreditation. The program transitioned to a Master of Science in Athletic Training and has been accredited for three years since 2021. The Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE) assures the highest level of quality in Athletic Training education across the United States.
Feb 29, 2024

You are invited to join us on March 11 @ 7:00 pm for a presentation by Dr. Mamie Parker, a Former Student Conservation Association Chair, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Head of Fisheries and Habitat Conservation.
Feb 26, 2024

Joshua Clark, a Spanish teacher at Henry E. Lackey High School, was named the recipient of the 2024 Charles County Public Schools (CCPS) Teacher of the Year honor during a Feb. 22 recognition ceremony. Joshua, 2018 alumni of FSU, personally reached out to the Education Department to say, “thank you”. He expressed gratitude for all the help and expertise he received from the faculty that helped propel his career in education.
Feb 13, 2024

FSU assistant professor of biology, Dr. Cody Kent, has received funding to expand his research on evolutionary biology and ecology. More specifically, his work will focus on the fundamental questions – How do so many species arise, and how do they manage to coexist.
Feb 12, 2024

Are you an Early Childhood or Elementary Education major? Do you work in a childcare facility? Do you plan on working at a childcare facility while attending college? If you are currently working at a childcare facility as a level 2 assistant, you qualify as a CCCPDF recipient.
Feb 6, 2024

News Story: The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) has acknowledged Dr. Janet Mattern, an associate professor in FSU’s Department of Educational Professions, with a letter of recognition for her scholarly volunteer service. Frostburg State University 2024
Feb 5, 2024

The 9th Annual Harry Potter Book Night hosted by FSU's Children's Literature Centre (CLC) was held on Feb. 3 in the Lane University Center and the Lewis J. Ort Library on Frostburg's campus. The young wizards started their day running through the 9 ¾ Platform to travel to Hogwarts Castle.
Feb 1, 2024

The Chemistry and Physics Department was excited to have nearly 275 local high school chemistry students and teachers from Allegany, Fort Hill, Mountain Ridge, and the Career Center visit FSU in January. During the event the high school students were introduced to Chemistry and Physics faculty, staff, and current FSU students.
Jan 29, 2024

Two FSU professors, Dr. James Saku and Dr. Alemseged Abbay, were recently appointed to Gov. Wes Moore’s Commission on African Affairs for their professional and personal ties to Africa and Maryland’s diverse African population. Saku, a professor in FSU’s Department of Geography, coordinates the African American Studies program. Saku is also a member of the Association of American Geographers’ Africa Specialty Group, the University of Cape Coast Alumni Association in North America, the Council of Ewes in North America and the Ewe Association of Washington, D.C.
Jan 10, 2024

How a Md. boy's bout of Lyme led to a community tick research project. After her son got Lyme, a scientist and her students collected ticks in western Maryland: 40 percent tested positive for the bacteria that causes the disease.
Jan 1, 2024

In 2021, the Office of the President and the Office of Human Resources began developing a program specially designed to provide professional development opportunities to the administrative professionals on campus. This program, dubbed ADAPT (Administrative Development and Professional Training) aims to enhance those skills that support employee development as well as Frostburg State University’s strategic plan while developing new skills that meet the demands of successful department management.
Dec 4, 2023

The 20th annual Storybook Holiday hosted by FSU’s Children Literature Centre (CLC) took place on December 2, 2023. Will Hillenbrand, author/illustrator returned this year with a book dedicated to the City of Frostburg, “Little Red”. Will was declared an honorary citizen, given a key to the city, and named December 2nd of every year to be Will Hillenbrand Day!
Nov 29, 2023

Dr. Jackie Durst, associate professor of kinesiology at FSU; MSAT student Taylor Patrick; Assistant Fire Chief/PIO Matt McMorran; Dr. Lauren Pacinelli, Coordinator of Clinical Education in the Graduate Athletic Training program; MSAT student Jordan Patrick; MSAT Student Riannon Shagena; MSAT Student Ashlyn Catanese. Frostburg State University’s Department of Kinesiology has collaborated with local volunteer firefighters on two projects that allow graduate students in the Athletic Training program to conduct original research while simultaneously providing beneficial services to the Frostburg community.
Nov 27, 2023

Pictured are Will Hillenbrand, children’s book author/illustrator, left, and Dr. Bill Bingman, co-founder of the Children’s Literature Centre at FSU. Hillenbrand was the 2022 featured author at Storybook Holiday and is returning this year to share his book “Little Red,” which he has dedicated to the city of Frostburg. The 20th annual Storybook Holiday celebration, hosted by FSU’s Children’s Literature Centre, will bring its seasonal cheer to downtown Frostburg on Saturday, Dec. 2. The festivities will begin at 7:30 a.m. and end with a showing of “It’s a Wonderful Life” at 7:30 p.m.
Nov 22, 2023

Featured left to right: Lisa Simpson, Keith Terry, Dailey Chandler, Heidi McKenzie, Jesse Puffenberger, Jenna Epstein, Doris Santamaria-MaKang, Christina Durham, Janet Mattern, Jodi Welsch, Jennifer Delaney, Jodi Eirich FSU faculty and staff in the Department of Educational Professions recently enjoyed a day of training provided free of charge by Bedford Area Ambulance in recognition of Dr. Jenna Epstein's, assistant professor in the department, service to EMS. Epstein regularly provides pro bono trauma counseling for the station.
Nov 13, 2023

On Oct. 27, a group of FSU geography and sustainability students traveled to Deep Creek Lake State Park to assist in the Deep Creek Defense program. The team worked to remove invasive species, including Japanese barberry, autumn olive and multiflora rose. This program was led by EllaRose Warnick ’23, an earth science and environmental science alum, who is serving as a naturalist at Deep Creek Lake State Park. To get involved with similar regional environmental outreach initiatives, contact Tracy Edwards at
Nov 3, 2023

On October 12, 2023, Dr. Gerald Kiel and Dr. Michael Williams, along with current FSU doctoral students Stacey Williams, Ashley Cudmore, and Elaine Rudder, presented at the 2023 CPED Convening. Their topic was "Learning to Honor Diverse Perspectives in Solving Problems of Practice through a Signature Pedagogy of Diverse Collaborative Cohorts.”
Oct 31, 2023

For its Science Week, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources recently visited Western Maryland to learn more about the increasing prevalence of ticks in the area and about a community program designed to highlight the issue to inform local residents. DNR and FSU are working together on an initiative to study the rising prevalence of ticks and Lyme disease in Western Maryland.
Oct 24, 2023

Recently, Dr. Kate Sheehan, an assistant professor in the Department of Biology, and Marykate McHale and Sonja Barber, two students in the Applied Ecology and Conservation Biology Master’s program, participated in the annual Waterbirds Society conference in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. The society is an international group of scientists, managers and conservation-minded groups.
Oct 18, 2023

FSU Dean for the College of Education, Health & Natural Sciences, Dr. Boyce Williams, has been re-appointed to the Council for Higher Education Accreditation's Committee on Recognition.
Oct 16, 2023

This image by MacKenzie Freeze appeared in “Microscopy Today.” “Microscopy Today” hosts the annual Micrograph Awards competition, and FSU students enrolled in Dr Rebekah Taylor’s class, BIOL456/556 Advanced Microscopy, submitted images to the competition. MacKenzie Freeze’s image received Special Honors recognition in the competition this year.
Oct 10, 2023

On October 7, 2023, the Children’s Literature Centre (CLC) held their 11th annual CLC Book Award Celebration. Pictured is children’s book author, Marcy Campbell with her book “The More You Give” which was awarded the CLC Book Award. The Children's Literature Centre’s annual award is given to a children's picture book that most embodies the attributes of compassion, love, or courage.
Oct 10, 2023

The purpose of this study was to address current gaps in the literature related to creative self-concept, post-traumatic growth, and professional identity resilience in counselors (n = 116). A canonical correlation analysis (CCA) and stepwise regression analyses were conducted to explore the relationships among variables. Small correlations were found between professional identity and the creative self, as well as with CACREP affiliation. Creative self-efficacy (CSC) scores were generally high, suggesting that creatives may be drawn to the counseling profession, and CSC may be robust. Suggestions for future research are provided.
Sep 19, 2023

Accelerating teacher effectiveness: the power of partnerships by Jodi Eirich and Jane Wildesen. The purpose of this paper is to describe a thriving partnership between Frostburg State University and the Garrett County Public Schools that aims to improve teacher effectiveness and retention through the implementation of a robust induction program. The initiative includes sustained, strategic mentoring; extensive professional development; and validated, competency-based microcredentials aligned to high-leverage practices.
Sep 13, 2023

Rebekah Taylor, Ph.D. BIOLOGY DEPARTMENT CHAIR Compton 303 x4355 Dr. Taylor's research interests are centered on immunology, especially host-pathogen interactions and mucosal immunology. Currently, Dr. Taylor and several undergraduate and graduate students are currently investigating the prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of Lyme disease, in Western Maryland.
Sep 13, 2023

Keith Terry, Ph.D. EDUCATIONAL PROFESSIONS INTERIM DEPARTMENT CHAIR Compton 247 x7020 Keith Terry began his career in a tenure-track position at the University of Nebraska at Kearney in 1987 as an instructor. He later took a leave of absence from there to pursue coursework for a Ph.D. at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville.
Sep 13, 2023

Richard Russo, Ph.D. GEOGRAPHY DEPARTMENT CHAIR Gunter 231 x4053 Richard has been a faculty member in Maryland institutions (either full-time or adjunct) since 1996; he started at FSU in Fall 2010. As a broadly-trained human/cultural geographer, his scholarly interests are in the geographies of identity, sovereignty, food systems, and urban systems.
Sep 13, 2023

Anh-Dung “Yum” Nguyen, Ph.D., ATC KINESIOLOGY DEPARTMENT CHAIR EHSC 420 x4434 Dr. Anh-Dung “Yum” Nguyen earned his B.S. in Physical Education and Sport with an Athletic Training emphasis from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, M.S. Ed. in Athletic Training at Old Dominion University, and Ph.D. in Sports Medicine at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
Sep 13, 2023

Kara Platt, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, CNE NURSING DEPARTMENT CHAIR EHSC 425 x4791 Kara Platt is the Chair for the Department of Nursing. She has been with FSU since 2009 when the Nursing Department began. She began her nursing career as a labor and delivery room nurse locally and went on to earn her doctoral degree in nursing from Johns Hopkins University.
Sep 13, 2023

Todd J. Doran, Ed.D., PA-C, DFAAPA PA MEDICINE DEPARTMENT CHAIR USMH 344 Phone: 240.527.2732 Dr. Doran is appointed Professor and Department Chair & Program Director of the Physician Assistant Medicine Program at Frostburg State University. He was previously Professor and Director for PA Admissions at the University of Tampa from 2018-2022.
Sep 13, 2023

Nancy Giunta, Ph.D. SOCIAL WORK DEPARTMENT CHAIR 7 American 203 (2nd floor, Office #3) x4695 Dr. Nancy Giunta (pronounced JOON-ta) is joining the FSU faculty this Fall as the Chair of the Social Work department. She is excited to rebuild the department and shepherd it through the reaccreditation process with the Council of Social Work Education.
Sep 13, 2023

Matthew Crawford, Ph.D. CHEMISTRY & PHYSICS DEPARTMENT CHAIR Compton 339C x4940 Dr. Crawford is an FSU alum that rejoined his alma mater in 2011 after earning his Ph. D. at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA. He is an Associate Professor of Chemistry and is the current chair of the Department of Chemistry & Physics.
Jul 10, 2023

The City of Frostburg was once again the site of a pirate invasion on Saturday, July 8 when Frostburg State University’s Children’s Literature Centre (CLC) and the City of Frostburg teamed up to provide a FREE day of pirate merriment, tales, treasures, and treats for young readers throughout the region. From left to right: Steve Ornstein, Kameron Brooks, Dr. Bill Bingman, Anya Flythe, Dr. Sarah O’Neal, Katie Turbin, Megan Ford, Taylor McCarty, Ellie Bolton, John O’Neal, and Dr. Barbara Ornstein.
Jun 26, 2023

The F2T2 STEAM Camp was held on Frostburg’s campus June 19-21 under the direction of Dr. Sarah O’Neal and with the help of two former students, Ellie Bolton and Kameron Brooks. Pictured are middle school age students from Allegany County Public Schools and camp staff including Dr. Sarah O’Neal, Dr. Nicole Bosley, Dr. Rebecca Gallagher, Miss Ellie Bolton, and Mr. Kameron Brooks.
Jun 1, 2023

Students in Dr. Janet Mattern’s EDUC 376 Special and Multicultural Education class and in Ms. Jennifer Delaney’s EDUC 310 Diversity and Social Justice in Education course completed a Cultural Diversity and Growth Mindset Microcredential during the Spring 2023 semester. Front Row: Shannon Berger (Assistant Principal), Emma Stafford, Laina Holler, Elizabeth Wyrostek , Dana Bisker (Principal) Second Row: Beverly Braun, Jenna Bennett, Jadison Fairall, Alexandria Embert, Kendall Harrison, Laken Hay Third Row: Madison Reed, Graceann Heaberlin, Ian Wroblewski, Adam Walters, Ryan Butler, Sam Soltas, Justin Butler, Jacob Pryor, and Elizabeth Sypolt.
May 22, 2023

As we hopefully watch the world open back up, it would be a gross oversight not to address and acknowledge the realities of what we have all been through in the past 24 plus months. We have all been affected either professionally, personally, socially, mentally, politically, and/or financially.
May 18, 2023

Dr. Martin Barrett, Dr. Jeff Farr Publish article in “The Sport Journal.” Students from Dr. Barrett’s Fall 2022 RECR 430 Sport Promotion class collected data as part of a class project. Students were on campus asking that other students complete a survey. As part of this, all students were required to complete CITI Training in order to receive IRB approval for the research. At the end of the semester, the students presented their findings and recommendations to the Athletic Department explaining how to act on the data.
May 18, 2023

Canyon Lohnas ’18 is a proud graduate of the College of Education at Frostburg State University. During his time at FSU, Canyon was a member of the Frostburg Student Education Association (FSEA), the Frostburg Association for the Education of Young Children (FAEYC), and the Children’s Literature Centre.
May 16, 2023

In March, a team represented Frostburg State University and the Garrett County Public Schools at two conferences in Jacksonville, Florida, including the National Association of Professional Development Schools (NAPDS) national conference and the Association of Teacher Educators (ATE) Annual Meeting.
May 15, 2023

The Department of Recreation and Parks Management said “Happy Retirement” to a beloved faculty member, Dr. Diane Blankenship, at the end of the Spring 2023 semester. Standing back row (from left): Don Woodworth, JD Nelson, Jenna Gossard, Zac Perkins, Colin Gardner, Matt Naylor, Adam Kerns, Ethan Lezcano, Tairell Fletcher, Joe Mades, Beau Meehan, and Brady Crumbacker Standing middle row (from left): Isaiah (Zay) Sewell, Mayah Morant, Sophia Spittal, Dr. B., Katya Clarke, and Marybeth Suplee Sitting/kneeling (from left): Cole Harshman, Evan Branch, Ja'Marcus Holt, Lauren Howard, Jaylin Albury, and Dean Waterman
May 10, 2023

"Teachers of Promise 2023" Honored in Baltimore Top row (from left to right): Jalon Sommers, Jayme DeMoss, Kristopher Lynott, Hayley Kendle, Ed. Professions Faculty Member: Dr. Christina Durham Bottom row (from left to right): Nina Wars, Savannah Bowen, Shyanne Foutz, and Mariah Marshall
May 1, 2023

On April 28th and 29th 2023, the Children’s Literature Center, under the direction of Dr. Sarah O’Neal, celebrated its 40th year of celebrating children’s literature and the power it has in reaching children of all ages by holding the 40th Spring Festival of Children’s Literature.
Apr 28, 2023

Frostburg State University submitted a proposal to serve as a Maryland Leads Partner under Strategy 1: Grow Your Own Staff and is currently working with Washington and Garrett County Public Schools. The Maryland State Department of Education shared a Notice of Grant Award for $798,540.
Apr 27, 2023

On March 28th students from FSEA (Frostburg Student Education Association) at FSU participated in Project Cover Up. This is an altruistic community-based project that provides fleece blankets to underserved and underprivileged elementary school children.
Apr 17, 2023

Emily Imgrund, Katlyn Middleton, Kaitlyn Peterson, Jalon Sommers, and Casey Swartz have been chosen as the Strong Scholars for the spring 2023 semester.
Apr 17, 2023

Joseph Thompson is named 2023-2024 Teacher of the Year. He holds a doctorate (2020), and a master's (2010) in Education from Frostburg State University.
Mar 22, 2023

The Frostburg Association for the Education of Young Children (FAEYC) and its members hosted Dr. Traki L. Taylor, Provost and VPAA as the keynote speaker on March 14, 2023 for Woman’s History Month.
Mar 13, 2023

Frostburg State University will receive $1,250,000 through direct federal funding earmarked in the $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill signed into law by President Joe Biden in December. The funding, secured through Sens. Chris Van Hollen and Ben Cardin (both D-MD) and Rep. David Trone (D-MD), will provide $750,000 for the FSU Regional Science Center and $500,000 for the FSU Maryland Accelerates Program.
Mar 9, 2023

Frostburg State University’s (FSU) College of Education (COE) and College of Liberal Arts & Sciences (CLAS) have been awarded a five-year, $3.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education for Rural Educators for Appalachian Children (REACH), a Teacher Quality Partnership project. The comprehensive project has been designed to improve student achievement and long-term outcomes and develops a comprehensive and collaborative model for strengthening the teacher career continuum in rural America.
Mar 7, 2023

News Story: On December 3rd, 2022 the Children’s Literature Centre and the City of Frostburg held the 19th annual Storybook Holiday. Frostburg State University 2023
Mar 7, 2023

The College of Education, Health and Natural Sciences retreat in January featured presentations on recruitment, retention, and on GoReact.
Mar 7, 2023

Dr. Jenna Epstein and Dr. Jodi Eirich are working on TIMRP trauma informed classroom management and restorative discipline practices in Garrett County Schools.
Feb 28, 2023

Feb 6, 2023

The evening of February 4, 2023 marked our 8th annual Harry Potter Book Night.
Jan 10, 2023

After a 20 year teaching career in West Virginia, Ms. Bochna-Tuck joined the Maryland Accelerates team as the Clinical Project Coordinator. Ms. Bochna-Tuck is also a Nationally Board Certified Teacher. She resides in Morgantown, W.V. with her husband (an educator) and their two children.
Jan 10, 2023

Heidi McKenzie, school counseling major, has joined the Maryland Accelerates team as the Clinical Project Graduate Media Assistant Ms. McKenzie and her husband reside in Rawlings, M.D.
Jan 5, 2023

Jan 1, 2023

Dr. Jenna Epstein-Depiction for series entitled “Women of Eleos.’(Eleos is the Greek god of mercy and compassion). Artwork by Tiffany Arnett (School of Counseling Major)
Jan 1, 2023

In publishing news, Drs. Blankenship, Buta, and Farr have agreed to terms with Human Kinetics to collectively author an update of Dr. Blankenship’s textbook, Applied Research and Evaluation Methods in Recreation, which should hit bookshelves in time for Fall 2024.
Nov 1, 2022

In Fall 2022, the Recreation and Parks Management Program welcomed Rachel West as the Program’s Graduate Assistant.
Nov 1, 2022

Students in multiple Recreation and Parks courses headed back into the field to get some experiential learning.
Nov 1, 2022

Dr. Farr and the Recreation Society, the student-led organization housed in Recreation and Parks Management, hosts fun-filled Fall events.
Jul 29, 2022
Jul 8, 2022

Senator Ben Cardin visited Frostburg State University campus on Tuesday, June 28, 2022.
Jul 7, 2022

New York Times' #1 Best Selling Author Visits Maryland Accelerates' National Leadership Conference.
Mar 10, 2022

Dr. Williams' opinion piece describes the turbulent situation regarding racism in America today.
Mar 8, 2022

Study abroad and get credit toward your FSU degree! Explore ecotourism principles in the ecotourism capital of the world. This study abroad experience is open to any FSU student. The dates of travel are Thursday, May 26, through Friday, June 3, 2022.
Feb 1, 2022

“After a two- year hiatus due to the pandemic, Rugby is resurgent here at Frostburg,” noted Baker. “Every player on this team truly considers it an honor to represent Frostburg, both on and off the rugby pitch. Our team is fully committed to making rugby a point of pride for our University.”
Jan 27, 2022

Welcome to the Spring 2022 Semester at Frostburg State University's College of Education. As you know this past year has been one of responding to the realities of 2021, especially the COVID-19 pandemic and the tragic deaths that brought issues of systematic racism to the forefront. Our CoE faculty was able to successfully pivot and continue to offer the same quality of education to students whether they were online or in hybrid format.
Jan 27, 2022

The Maryland State Department of Education signed an agreement with Frostburg State University to develop an online High School Level 1 Physical Education Curriculum for use in Maryland Public Schools.
Sep 22, 2021

FSU held its second leadership institute for the Maryland Accelerates (MA) Teacher-Leadership Residency Program on Thursday, June 24th, 2021. The meeting featured guest speakers who presented thought-provoking concepts, interactive breakout sessions, and opportunities to engage and share among participants.
Aug 2, 2021

Dean Boyce Williams reflects on how the College of Education pivoted during the pandemic to continue to deliver quality education to our students.
Aug 2, 2021

In May of 2022, Anne Winters sat down to speak with a recent Frostburg State University Graduate who has enrolled into the MAT-Secondary program for the Summer of 2022. Sydney Kerns graduated from FSU in May with a BA in English and was recently published in Frostburg State University’s Bittersweet Magazine for her work as an author of short stories. Sydney gave her perspective on how her time at Frostburg State and the Covid-19 Pandemic affected her dreams for the future.
Aug 2, 2021
Student Government Voices: Maintaining Normalcy, Sanity, & Laughter During The Pandemic
Aug 2, 2021