Frostburg State University, as part of the University System of Maryland (USM), defines residency status according to the USM Policy on student Classification for Admissions and Tuition Purposes (the “Policy”).
Frostburg State University has three residency classifications that affect tuition rates: In State, Regional, and Out of State.
Your residency classification is first established when you apply. All undergraduate students are informed of their residency classification in their admission decision email. Students are responsible for knowing their residency classification. Residency classification determines if students pay Maryland resident, regional, or out of state tuition rates.
Reclassification Petition
Any student who wishes to petition for reclassification of their residency status for tuition purposes must submit a residency petition.

How do I know if I qualify for in-state residency status?
Per the USM Residency Policy, in-state status is granted to students who, for at least twelve (12) consecutive months immediately prior to and including the last date available to register for courses in the semester for which the student seeks in-state tuition status and meets all of the following criteria:
- Lives in Maryland: Maintains continuous primary living quarters in Maryland. Has substantially all personal property (household items, furniture, pets, etc.) in Maryland
- Maryland taxes: Has paid Maryland income tax on all taxable income and has filed a Maryland Resident Tax Return
- If the student is a dependent for tax purposes, the person claiming the student must pay Maryland income tax on all taxable income and file a Maryland Resident Tax Return.
- If the student has not worked or didn’t earn income, Frostburg uses parent/guardian tax information.
- Vehicle registration: Has registered all owned/leased vehicles in Maryland for at least 12 consecutive month, if previously registered in another state.
- Students who have lived in Maryland for at least 12 consecutive months but who have had a vehicle registered in Maryland for less than 12 months will satisfy this requirement if they can show evidence that their vehicle was register in Maryland within 60 days after moving to the state.
- Maryland driver’s license: Has possessed a Maryland driver’s license for at least 12 consecutive months, if previously licensed to drive in another state.
- Students who have lived in Maryland for at least 12 consecutive months but who have held a Maryland driver’s license for less than 12 months will satisfy this requirement if they can show evidence that their driver’s license was issued in Maryland within 60 days after moving to the state.
- Receives no public assistance from a state, city, county, or municipal agency other than one in the State of Maryland.
- Has the ability under federal and Maryland law to live permanently and without interruption in Maryland.
Students with out-of-state classification who have the following status may temporarily be classified in-state, including:
- Full-time or part-time (50% time or more) regular employees of a USM institution, their spouses and dependents.
- Certain full-time active duty members of the US armed forces including their spouses and dependent children.
- Certain veterans of the US Armed Forces.
- Students using certain VA benefits.
- Certain members of the Maryland National Guard.
- Graduate Assistants during the term of their appointment
See section IV of the USM Policy for a complete list of USM Residency Policy exemptions.
The above overview does not supersede or amend any part of the USM Policy on Student Classification for Admission and Tuition Purposes.
Students must notify Frostburg State University of any change in circumstances which may alter in-state status. Failure to do so could result in retroactive charges for each semester/term affected.