Shorter Publications

Articles or Excerpts

Dr. Yuechen Chen, Computer Science and Information Technologies
“Chiplet-GAN: Chiplet-Based Accelerator Design for Scalable Generative Adversarial Network Inference,” with A. Louri, F. Lombardi and S. Liu, IEEE Circuits and Systems, DOI: 10.1109/MCAS.2024.3359571, Forthcoming.
Andy Duncan, English and Foreign Languages
“Sarah Pinsker” (essay, tribute to the convention’s guest of honor), Capclave 2023 Program Book, Capclave, Rockville, Md., September 2023.
Dr. Jodi Eirich and Dr. Jenna Epstein, Educational Professions
“Engaging Teachers’ Mental Health Early Through a Trauma-Informed Microcredential,” with J. Wildesen, School-University Partnerships, May 2024.
Dr. Chenchen Huang, Accounting
“The Internal Control Project: Eductive and Reflective Learning, with M. Marsha, D. Law, L. Killian, A. Khallaf, P. Kassawat and Q. Zhang, Journal of Accounting Education, Forthcoming.
“Fostering Active Learning: The Effects of Using the Socrative App in Undergraduate Advanced Accounting Classes,” with P.K. Bradley and Q. Zhang, Business Education Innovation Journal, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 30-34, 2023.
Dr. Scott P. Johnson, Political Science
“Justice David Souter and the Right to Privacy,” Mitchell Hamline Law Review, Vol. 50, 2024.
“The Assassination of Martin Luther King: Understanding the Criminal Behavior and Prosecution of James Earl Ray,” Ohio Northern Law Review, Vol. 49, No. 3, 2023.
Dr. Cody M. Kent, Biology
“Identifying the Forage Base and Critical Forage Taxa for Chesapeake Waterbirds,” with M. Hack, J.D. Sullivan and D.J. Prosser, Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management, February 2024.
“Waterfowl Show Spatiotemporal Trends in Influenza A H5 and H7 Infections but Limited Taxonomic Variation,” with S.N. Bevins, J.M. Mullinax, J.D. Sullivan and D.J. Prosser, Ecological Applications, Vol. 33, e2906, October 2023.
“Zoonotic Implications of White-Footed Mice Habitat Selection and Territoriality in Fragmented Landscapes,” with G.F. Hummell, A.Y. Li and J.M. Mullinax, Journal of Vector Ecology, Vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 89-102, August 2023.
“Summary Data on the Forage Base and Critical Forage Taxa for Chesapeake Waterbirds” (data set), with M.D. Hack, J.D. Sullivan, C.M. Kent and D.J. Prosser, U.S. Geological Survey,, 2023.
Dr. Gerald W. Kiel, Dr. Heather Hurst and Dr. Michael R. Williams, Educational Professions
“Engaging the Community Through a Consultancy-Based Group Practicum,” Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice, Vol. 8, No. 3, pp. 50-57,, August 2023.
Dr. Michael Monahan, Management
“Do You Have to Attend to Succeed: Is There a Relationship Between Class Attendance and Final Grades?” Journal of Business, Industry and Economics, Vol. 28, pp. 134-156, Fall 2023.
Dr. Elesha L. Ruminski, Communication
“‘All’s Well that Ends Well’: The Influence of Julia Walker Ruhl’s Communication Leadership and Public Voice on Clarksburg, West Virginia and the Nation,” in The Civically Engaged Woman: The Rhetoric and Activism of the Silenced Voice, Jill K. Burk and Christina L. McDowell, editors, Lexington Books, forthcoming.
Dr. Thomas L. Serfass, Biology
“The bii4africa Dataset of Faunal and Floral Population Intactness Estimates Across Africa’s Major Land Uses,” with H.S. Clements et al., Scientific Data, Nature Publishing Group,, February 2024.
“Concentrations of 45 Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in North American River Otters (Lontra canadensis) From West Virginia, USA,” with Zhong-Min Li, A. Roos, C. Lee and K. Kannan, Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 58, No. 4, pp. 2089-2101, DOI:10.1021/acs.est.3c09467, January 2024.
“Trapping and the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation: Incongruities Demonstrated Through the Northern River Otter,” with G. Proulx, in Wildlife Conservation and Management in the 21st Century – Issues, Solutions and New Concepts, G. Proulx, editor, Alpha Wildlife Publications, pp. 119-132, 2024.
Dr. Michael R. Williams, Educational Professions
“Navigating Black Masculinity: A Journey Through Hip-Hop and Mental Health,” Black Male College Student’s Mental Health: Providing Holistic Support in Higher Education, Tryan L. McMickens and Robert T. Palmer, editors, Routledge, Forthcoming.
“Black Manhood and Progressive Masculinity: A Collection of Essays,” Spark Magazine,, June 2024.
Dr. Gregory Wood, History
“‘No Labor Dictators for Us’: Anti-Union Workers During the Flint Sit-Down Strikes,” Michigan Historical Review, Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 1-36, 2023.
Dr. Lilly Ye, Marketing and Finance
“How to Create a Fave and Catch the Fake: Generative Adversarial Networks in Marketing Strategy,” in The Impact of Digitalization on Current Marketing Strategies, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, England, March 2024.
Yelizaveta Zakharova, Lewis J. Ort Library
“Genne Kuhn: Labor, Healthcare and Civil Rights in the 1960s-1970s Ohio River Valley,” Journal of the Alleghenies, Vol. 59, 2023.
Dr. Yiming Zhuang, Management, and Dr. Lilly Ye, Marketing and Finance
“The Government’s Role in Logistics and Distribution Innovation in China,” International Journal of Economics and Globalisation, Forthcoming.

Book Reviews

Dr. Travis English, Visual Arts
Otto Dix and Weimar Media Culture: Time, Fashion and Photography in Portrait Paintings of the Neue Sachlichkeit, by Ann Reimers, in German Studies Review, Vol. 26, No. 2, May 2023.