Creating Social Media Posts
Our media-driven world is filled with content. Follow these guidelines so your social media isn't viewed as "junk mail" on users' newsfeeds.
- Use everyday language. Social media isn't a conference presentation. It's casual. Use language that everyone can understand.
- Give users a reason to get more information from your website, but make sure your website is ready for visitors first.
- Be inclusive of all users making sure to follow federal ADA guidelines for accessibility.
- Keep it coming. Create weekly posts.
- Follow your competitors and observe when they get attention from users.
- Show users how your program/event is different than your competitors.
Feature vs Benefit Model
Show your audience the benefit they receive from you.
"We don't just give out degrees, we give you a headstart."
"This isn't just a certificate, this is a resume boost."
"This isn't just a conference, this shows you're committed to staying relevant."