
The housekeeping department at Frostburg State University provides professional care for the 39 buildings that comprise our beautiful campus. The staff provides services on three shifts throughout the work week. Residential services are provided five days a week on the daylight shift by 22 employees; select academic buildings are covered by three daylight employees and three second shift employees and the remainder of our employee complement works on the third shift in our academic areas.

Typical cleaning services provided by this group include, but are not limited to, daily disinfecting of restrooms, showers, locker rooms and laboratories, refuse removal, dusting, vacuuming, mess clean-ups and a variety of other cleaning services. Our staff is also available for special events coverage such as sporting events, concerts and weddings.

Staffing throughout the campus is organized by building complexes and each complex is managed by a housekeeping supervisor.

Housekeeping Facts Document


Tonya Miller – Supervisor I – Second Shift

Supervises housekeeping services in Framptom, Gira Center, Gunter, Lane Center and the Performing Arts Center.

These buildings are maintained on various daylight, second and third shifts.

Cheryl McKenzie – Supervisor I – Daylight

Supervises housekeeping services in Compton, Dunkle, Fine Arts, Guild, the Library, Pullen and Stangle.

Brenda McKenzie - Supervisor II - Third Shift

Supervises housekeeping services in Braddock House, Fuller House, Hitchins, Lowndes, Old Main, the PE Center, Press Box and University Police.


Bernie Robison - Supervisor II - Daylight

Supervises housekeeping services in all on-campus residence halls.

Facilities Management Department

Monday-Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
After Hours: University Police 301-687-4223

Frostburg State University
101 Braddock Road
Frostburg, MD 21532

Telephone: 301.687.4125
Fax: 301.687.4765



Housekeeping Services Contact

Doug McKenzie
Assistant Director of Housekeeping and Plumbing