Strategic Goal 1 - Action Items

I. Focus learning on both the acquisition and application of knowledge.

  • Ensure students acquire the essential knowledge and skills needed to succeed.

    • Action Item 1

      Frostburg State University ensures students have the necessary skills to launch a successful career and be a productive and engaged citizen.

      Responsible Division/Vice President: Academic Affairs/Dr. Throop

      Contributors: Faculty; Student Affairs/Dr. Travis

      2023 Outcome: Graduates produce an e-portfolio containing examples of their work that demonstrates they have the skills expected to be successful in professional careers or post-graduate study.

      Notes: Three initiatives are proposed:
      1. Revision and implementation of GEP;
      2. Investigation of role of co-curricular education as part of skill acquisition (e.g., leadership); and
      3. Use of e-portfolios as repository of evidence of skill acquisition.

    • Progress 2016-2018


      Action Items & Allocation of Resources  

      During the summer 2017 planning retreat, several strategic initiatives were identified for funding. Funds were set aside to a) focus on increased marketing and recruitment efforts; b) begin a regional assessment of career opportunities for graduates; c) study the feasibility of advising centers; and d) use analytics to improve retention/graduation rates and budgeting/resource allocation.

      Funded Action Items

      a. Marketing and recruiting: Approximately $75,000 was allocated to additional initiatives that included:

      • a narrated campus virtual tour
      • additional student connection opportunities through Hobsons 
      • advertising at bus stops at feeder schools where students use public transportation
      • expanded targeted social media advertising in the regional resident zone
      • Bobcat Boxes sent to alumni who are teachers

      b. Regional career opportunities: No University funds required.

      • utilizing funds from the governor to establish a VP for Regional Development 

      c. Advising centers feasibility

      d. Analytics for recruitment and retention: No University funds required.

      • utilizing HelioCampus, a higher education analytics platform that solves admissions, student retention and recruiting problems.



  1. Infuse applied learning throughout the FSU curriculum.

    • Action Item 2

      All graduates have multiple High Impact Practices (HIPs) with a focus on internships and integrative capstone experiences.

      Responsible Division/Vice President: Academic Affairs/Dr. Throop

      Contributors: Faculty; Student Affairs/Dr. Travis

      2023 Outcome: All graduates have had an educational experience that 1) is outside of the classroom and 2) integrates knowledge and skills in their specific area(s) of study.

      Notes: Three initiatives are proposed;  
      1.  Increased student awareness of FSU’s commitment to and expansion of HIPs;
      2.  Increased emphasis on internship experiences; and
      3.  Development of intentional learning and “signature works” in capstone experiences.

    • Progress 2016-2018


      Action Items & Allocation of Resources  

      During the summer 2017 planning retreat, several strategic initiatives were identified for funding. Funds were set aside to a) focus on increased marketing and recruitment efforts; b) begin a regional assessment of career opportunities for graduates; c) study the feasibility of advising centers; and d) use analytics to improve retention/graduation rates and budgeting/resource allocation.

      Funded Action Items

      a. Marketing and recruiting: Approximately $75,000 was allocated to additional initiatives that included:

      • a narrated campus virtual tour
      • additional student connection opportunities through Hobsons 
      • advertising at bus stops at feeder schools where students use public transportation
      • expanded targeted social media advertising in the regional resident zone
      • Bobcat Boxes sent to alumni who are teachers

      b. Regional career opportunities: No University funds required.

      • utilizing funds from the governor to establish a VP for Regional Development 

      c. Advising centers feasibility

      d. Analytics for recruitment and retention: No University funds required.

  1. Integrate innovative practices and technology into the learning process.

    • Action Item 8

      Technology is seamlessly integrated into the learning and campus experience.

      Responsible Division/Vice President: Admin & Finance/CIO/Troy Donoway

      Contributors: Faculty; Staff; Academic Affairs/Dr. Throop; Student Affairs/Dr. Travis

      2023 Outcome: Open Educational Resources and Learning Management Systems are integrated into most FSU courses and data are available and shared across all university software platforms to facilitate student success and university support operations.

      Notes: The IT Master Plan is the critical component to this action item in that coordination and communication among faculty, staff, students, and IT staff is critical to enhancing the usefulness (e.g., ease of use, seamless integration of data) of IT products on campus.

    • Progress 2016-2018


      Action Items & Allocation of Resources  

      During the summer 2017 planning retreat, several strategic initiatives were identified for funding. Funds were set aside to a) focus on increased marketing and recruitment efforts; b) begin a regional assessment of career opportunities for graduates; c) study the feasibility of advising centers; and d) use analytics to improve retention/graduation rates and budgeting/resource allocation.

      Funded Action Items

      a. Marketing and recruiting: Approximately $75,000 was allocated to additional initiatives that included:

      • a narrated campus virtual tour
      • additional student connection opportunities through Hobsons 
      • advertising at bus stops at feeder schools where students use public transportation
      • expanded targeted social media advertising in the regional resident zone
      • Bobcat Boxes sent to alumni who are teachers

      b. Regional career opportunities: No University funds required.

      • utilizing funds from the governor to establish a VP for Regional Development 

      c. Advising centers feasibility

      d. Analytics for recruitment and retention: No University funds required.