Student Team Wins Big at International Conference

Mar 27, 2024 12:00 AM

CBECMS is pleased to share the cheering news of the accomplishment of our student team at the recently concluded Case Competition hosted as part of the Society for Advancement of Management International Business Conference 2024.  The team, consisting of Teresa Wolf, Mychael McKay, Shannon Casey, and Eric Denham, won Second Place in the Written Case Competition. Additionally, Teresa Wolf won Third Place in the Extemporaneous Speech Competition.

The case our students were assigned was: “Innovating Healthcare: Is AHCN- America's Care Model Scalable?” In total, there were 25 teams, several of which included MBA students. Our students were part of a Division comprising 10 teams. The judges commended our students for their excellent analysis and understanding of the core problem in the case. 

This achievement is also a tribute to the quality of education and ongoing mentorship that the faculty leaders, Dr. Mike Monahan, and Dr. Amit Shah, provided the students. Congratulations to you all! 

   FSU Student team, Dr. Shah and Dr. Michael Monahan at Society for Advancement of Management International Business Conference 2024

From Left: Dr. Amit Shah, Teresa Wolf, Mychael McKay, Eric Denham, Shannon Casey, and Dr. Michael Monahan

Award Winner Teresa Wolf

Teresa Wolf holds her Third Place Extemporaneous Speech Award