Spring Festival of Children's Literature

Mar 7, 2024 2:17 PM



The Children’s Literature Centre announces that its 41st annual Spring Festival of Children’s Literature will be held on Friday, April 26, and Saturday, April 27, at FSU. Each year, librarians, educators, parents and FSU students come to share their love of children’s literature and learn about successful ways to share that love with children. In the “share and learn” atmosphere of the festival, adults who direct children’s learning interact firsthand with authors and illustrators who bring characters to life and inspire children to read. At this year’s festival, the featured authors and illustrators – Salina Yoon, Frank Morrison, Hena Khan and Dusti Bowling – will present their award-winning books. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to engage in professional development workshops, which will feature a variety of topics, including writing children’s books, the “One Book One School Program,” introducing Manga to students, AI-powered ELA and more.

Educators from Maryland and Pennsylvania can earn continuing professional development credits by attending the festival. For info and updates regarding the Spring Festival of Children’s Literature, visit the CLC Webpage