Maryland Accelerates Program Update

Sep 22, 2021 12:00 PM

MD Accelerates Program logoFSU held its second leadership institute for the Maryland Accelerates (MA) Teacher-Leadership Residency Program on Thursday, June 24th, 2021. The meeting featured guest speakers who presented thought-provoking concepts, interactive breakout sessions, and opportunities to engage and share among participants. Program stakeholders included the second cohort of teacher residence, consisting of 18 students, recently graduated teacher-fellows who are currently employed in schools in Garrett and Frederick Counties, 18 teacher-mentors from cohort 2, FSU administrators, faculty, and staff, MA project staff and board members, and representatives from Frederick County and Garrett County public school system and the University System of Maryland. FSU convened the institute in person and virtually to continue with socially distancing norms due to the COVID-19 pandemic. MA grant management team members and a member of MN Associates, Inc. (MNA) met on campus. Other participants joined in virtually using the Zoom meeting platform.

Read the meeting minutes