Message from the Dean Spring/Summer 2021

Aug 2, 2021 12:00 PM

Dean Boyce WilliamsWelcome to the Spring/Summer issue of Connect.ED. As you know, this past year has been one of responding to the realities of 2020-21, especially the COVID-19 pandemic and the tragic deaths that brought issues of systemic racism to the forefront of reality and time. Our CoE faculty could pivot and continue to offer the same quality of education to students online and/or hybrid format. The Education Doctoral Program held graduation ceremonies virtually for the Ed.D. Graduates and their families, allowing for the hooding by family members of the graduates. While the ceremony was not held in person, a level of intimacy and connectedness was felt in the hooding of each candidate. Additionally, “Sports Management Degree Guide” ranked the Recreation and Parks program #2 in the nation for Online Masters in Parks and Recreation Management. Throughout it all, the faculty and staff continued to show passion in teaching, mentoring, and continued service to the community and the profession. As we enter a new semester, fall 2021 post-COVID-19, I look forward to a bright future for each of you and the Frostburg State University College of Education. Please remember, “Our Door is Always Open.”