Kinesiology and Recreation Dept. Receives $280,000 from MSDE

Jan 27, 2022 12:00 AM


Dr. Gallagher and Dr. Bosley The Maryland State Department of Education signed an agreement with Frostburg State University to develop an online High School Level 1 Physical Education Curriculum for use in Maryland Public Schools.

Given the importance of delivering high-quality physical education courses to all high school students and the fact that some students have circumstances that do not allow them to participate in the traditional face-to-face course, MSDE has identified the need for an online physical education course that could reach students statewide.

The Kinesiology and Recreation Department was awarded $280,000 to complete this project. Dr. Rebbeca Gallagher, Program Coordinator, and Dr. Nicole Bosley are the principal investigators for this innovative and foreword thinking program. Congratulations are extended on behalf of The College.</p