Frostburg Community Coalition

The Frostburg Community Coalition was created in 2011 to begin combating the incidence of harms associated with youth access to alcohol; evidence-informed environmental preventative strategies include the support of law enforcement patrols, social norming marketing campaigns, and parental education.

What is the coalition’s goal?

To decrease the percentage of high school seniors that consume alcohol by 10% as measured by the Youth Risk Behavior Survey in the fall of 2014 and decrease the binge drinking rate among Frostburg State University Students by 10% as measured by the Core Survey in Spring Semester 2011.

Is the coalition anti-alcohol?

No, the coalition acknowledges people can use alcohol safely in a low-risk way. Our priorities focus on underage consumption and alcohol abuse.

Top 10 Low-Risk Strategies

The Frostburg Community Coalition has developed 10 strategies to keep consuming alcohol low-risk.

  1. Know your limit and stick to no more than 4-5 drinks in an evening. No more than 2 an hour.
  2. Consider alternating between alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.
  3. Have a strategy to keep track of the number of drinks you consume.
  4. Eat food before, during, and after consumption.
  5. Know the percent of alcohol by volume in a standard drink - higher alcohol content means quicker impairment.
  6. Shots of alcohol will result in quicker impairment and shorten your evening.
  7. Pre-plan for how you will get home. Driving under the influence is harmful to you and the community... and can result in serious consequences.
  8. Avoid mixing alcohol with any type of drugs including prescription medications.
  9. Stay safe by enjoying our establishment with others and looking out for your friends.
  10. Make your own choices about alcohol consumption. Keep It Low-Risk!
Frostburg Community Coalition Logo

View the FCC Documentary

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