Off-Campus Equipment Loans to Individuals with Disabilities

Frostburg State University has established a procedure for individuals with disabilities to request off-campus loans of equipment. An off-campus loan is defined as the removal of equipment to a personal residence, residence hall, or for purposes of travel related to university business.

The following procedure will be followed for handling loan requests:

  1. An individual wishing to take equipment off-campus must contact the ADA/504 Compliance Officer Hitchins Administration 3rd Floor, 687-4102, TDD 687-7955) to obtain written approval. The individual is asked to complete a loan form, detailing the request.

  2. The ADA/504 Compliance Officer approves the request in writing, indicating a return or renewal date for the loan. This date is always three months from the date of the loan.

  3. The borrower then signs the form, acknowledging responsibility for loss, theft, or damage to the equipment due to negligence. The borrower also agrees to contact the ADA/504 Compliance Officer by the specified date to return the equipment or renew the loan for another three-month period.