Rugby Football Club



Please make a donation to FSU Rugby. Specify account 80831, Rugby.



Questions and Answers 


Q:   RUGBY?   

A:    Absolutely.  Frostburg State University has a proud history of success on and off the rugby pitch.  Founded in 1974, Frostburg competes in the Allegheny Rugby Union.


Q:   Do I need prior playing experience? 

A:    You do not need prior playing experience.  We welcome players of all experience and skill levels.  There is a place in rugby for players of all sizes and shapes, which is part of what makes the game great. 


Q:   Isn’t rugby just tackle football without pads? 

A:    NO!  Tackle football is a collision sport.  That’s why pads are necessary.  Rugby is a contact sport (which is why they’re not).  The distinction is important, since the techniques and skills that are needed to succeed in each sport are different.  That said, many football players thrive in rugby, as do wrestlers, soccer players, and general athletes. 


Q:   What about practice? 

A:    We will practice twice each week, have two conditioning sessions, and a match on the weekend.  


Q:   What about all this “Give Blood, Play Rugby” stuff I see?  Is this really something I should pursue? 

A:    Rugby’s bark, in many ways, is worse than its bite – but you have to love the marketing.  <Grin> 

       Winston Churchill famously described rugby as “a hooligans game played by gentlemen.”      

Here’s the real story:  More than any other sport, rugby emphasizes sportsmanship, camaraderie, and fair play. The underlying philosophy is that this is a GAME intended to be FUN that results in memories and relationships that LAST A LIFETIME.  Rugby is intense competition among friends – a concept that is, frankly, absent from many sports these days. 


Q:   How do I find out more? 

A:    Contact Coach Curt Baker at or give him a call at 301-687-4374. 




Founded in 1974, the Frostburg Rugby Football Club is dedicated to fostering the growth of this sport at FSU through advancing the concepts of integrity, maturity, and individual/team responsibility to club members. Showing dedication, drive, and perseverance, the team is always ready to improve the focus of the team and the individual. The team is always ready to accept new talent and teach them the game so that they may continue their winning tradition. Rugby aims to improve the individual on the field, and off, to their fullest potential. During the fall 2021 semester rugby competed in the Mid-Atlantic Rugby Conference hybrid D2/Small College 15s division. The team recently moved to the Allegheny Rugby Union Small College division and is a part of National Collegiate Rugby (NCR).

The history (PDF) of FSU Rugby has been compiled and provided by former coach Paul Marchbank.

For more information, or to join the Frostburg Rugby Football Club contact Coach Curt Baker or Club Sport Coordinator Amy Nazelrod.