Frostburg State University, WVU School of Pharmacy Announce Partnership
Apr 4, 2024 8:00 AM
Frostburg State University and the West Virginia School of Pharmacy (WVUSoP) have entered into a partnership that will allow students to earn their Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry from FSU and their Doctor of Pharmacy degree from WVUSoP in just seven years. This dual-degree program is a cooperative undergraduate/graduate opportunity to attract qualified students to both institutions.
Students will complete their first three years at FSU as a chemistry major, and after successful completion of the prerequisite courses and program requirements, students will then enter the WVUSoP program. After students complete their first year of pharmacy school, they will earn their Bachelor of Science degree from FSU while counting this towards their four-year experience at WVU.
“The FSU Chemistry and Physics Department is excited to be a part of this partnership,” said Dr. Matthew Crawford, department chair and associate professor of chemistry. “This new agreement will greatly benefit our students by saving them time and resources to earn their B.S. degree from FSU and their advanced degree in pharmacy from WVU. We look forward to working with the Pharmacy School at WVU and hope to further enhance our collaboration and experiences for our students.”
You can get more information about FSU’s Chemistry and Physics Department online. For more information about WVUSoP, visit the WVU School of Pharmacy website.