Course Curriculum
Academic Plan: the Combined EXSS/MSAT Program
Academic Plan: Professional MS in Athletic Training Program
Professional MSAT Program Course Descriptions
ATTR 500- Foundations of Injury Management (3 credits)
This course is designed to be a basic introduction into injury management within the field of Athletic Training. It is meant to give students their first exposure to this field. It is also intended to give students the knowledge necessary to give assistance to an injured student, athlete, and/or client. Emphasis is placed on musculoskeletal injuries that occur during exercise or athletic competition. Additionally, professional rescuer CPR and first aid will be covered. Lecture. Summer. Students admitted into the BS/MSAT or MSAT only
ATTR 505 – Orthopedic Assessment I: Lower Extremity (4 credits)
General and specific athletic injury assessment procedures are covered. Emphasis is placed on the lumbar spine, pelvis, and lower extremity including on field/clinic evaluation processes, SOAP Note documentation and gait and posture analysis. 3 hrs lecture, 2 hrs lab. Fall MSAT only
ATTR 510 - Orthopedic Assessment II: Upper Extremity (4 credits)
General and specific athletic injury assessment procedures are covered. Emphasis is placed on the cervical spine, head/face, and upper extremity including on field/clinic evaluation processes and SOAP Note documentation. 3 hrs lecture, 2 hrs lab. Spring MSAT only
ATTR 511 Pharmacology for the Athletic Training Clinician (2 credits)
Scientific approach to develop and advance your knowledge related to the recognition, assessment, administration, and appropriate medical referral and understanding the pathology and pharmacology. Examination of physiological drug activity in the body, drug disposition and pharmacokinetics in sports medicine. Primary emphasis will be placed on the therapeutic interventions of prescription and nonprescription drugs indications, adverse reactions, and interactions. Fall MSAT only
ATTR 512 General Medical Conditions (3 credits)
Pathology and clinical information of various general medical conditions commonly seen in the physically active. Also includes information on pharmacological issues in Athletic Training. Lecture. Fall MSAT only
ATTR 520 - Rehabilitation Exercise in Athletic Training I (4 credits)
Various aspects of the rehabilitation process for the injured patient. Goals, techniques, evaluation methods, and specific rehabilitation programs covered. 3 hrs lecture, 2 hrs lab. Fall MSAT only
ATTR 530 – Athletic Training Administration (3 credits)
Administration and management strategies in athletic training. Human resource management, financial management, facility design and planning, client management, and ethics and legal liability issues. Lecture. Summer Students admitted into the BS/MSAT or MSAT only
ATTR 600- Athletic Training Practicum I (3 credits)
Provides the student in Athletic Training extensive exposure to the field. Focuses on the theoretical base of the field as well as introductory injury prevention, management concepts, and prophylactic taping and bracing within the collegiate athletic setting. Students will also be assigned to clinical education rotations under the direct supervision of a Preceptor and will be required to complete 200 clinical education hours within the collegiate athletics setting (maximum hours = 250). Practicum. Fall MSAT only
ATTR 605 - Research Methods (3 credits)
Research design and methods oriented to prepare students for performing effective and responsible graduate level research in any discipline of choice. It is primarily oriented towards beginning graduate students working on a M.S. degree in Athletic Training, but will provide the tools necessary for students in other disciplines to perform and communicate research effectively. This course will introduce research topics and the data collection and application of statistical methods used in Athletic Training and related research. The emphasis is oriented towards physiology research, but nearly the entire course applies to other areas of health science, sports science, and athletic training. Lecture. Spring MSAT only
ATTR 615 - Athletic Training Practicum II (3 credits)
Participation within the daily management of the athletic training clinical environment. It is designed to help students develop athletic training clinical skills in a professional manner and dress and act appropriately as an allied health care professional. Students will also be assigned to clinical education rotations under the direct supervision of a Preceptor and will be required to complete 200 clinical education hours within the secondary school setting (maximum hours = 250). Practicum. Spring MSAT only
ATTR 620 - Rehabilitation Exercise in Athletic Training II (4 credits)
Advanced study in the science and application of safe rehabilitative exercise techniques for both the general population as well the physically active. Hands on manual based techniques for patients will be the primary emphasis. Prerequisite: ATTR 520 [Rehabilitation Exercise in Athletic Training I]; 3 hrs lecture, 2 hrs lab. Fall MSAT only.
ATTR 624 Therapeutic Interventions (4 credits)
Theoretical and practical application of therapeutic exercise, therapeutic modalities, and manual techniques to rehabilitate and recondition injuries, illness, and general medical conditions in athletic training clinical practice settings. Fall MSAT only
ATTR 630 - Athletic Training Practicum III (3 credits)
Continued in-depth study of both the theoretical and practical clinical aspects of athletic training. The student will learn to utilize many of the previously learned Athletic Training skills and knowledge’s by integrating these into their clinical education and clinical experience. Students will also be assigned to clinical education rotations under the direct supervision of a Preceptor and will be required to complete 200 clinical education hours within orthopedic and non-orthopedic medical settings (maximum hours = 250). Practicum. Summer MSAT only
ATTR 635 - Therapeutic Modalities in Athletic Training (4 credits)
Study of both the theoretical basis and practical usage of various therapeutic modalities. Designed for individuals who routinely treat sports-related injuries. 3 hrs lecture, 2 hrs lab. Spring MSAT only
ATTR 640 - Seminar in Athletic Training (3 credits)
Designed to be the continued in-depth study of both the theoretical and clinical application of Athletic Training competencies and proficiencies. It is intended to be a course for the student to refine and master competencies and proficiencies learned previously in other courses. Clinical Integrated Proficiencies will be utilized so that students can make the connection from the classroom to the clinic. The course is also intended to review pertinent information to become better prepared to take the BOC certification examination. Lecture. Spring online MSAT only
ATTR 645- Psychosocial Intervention (3 credits)
Provides a theoretically sound basis for the integration of psychosocial aspects related to athletic training. Lecture. Summer Students admitted into the BS/MSAT or MSAT only
ATTR 655 - Athletic Training Practicum IV (3 credits)
The continued in-depth study of both the theoretical and practical clinical aspects of athletic training. The student will learn to utilize many of the previously learned Athletic Training skills and knowledge’s by integrating these into their clinical education and clinical experience. Students will also be assigned to clinical education rotations under the direct supervision of a Preceptor and will be required to complete 200 clinical education hours within the collegiate setting. (maximum hours = 250). Practicum. Fall MSAT only
ATTR 695 - Athletic Training Practicum V: Immersive Clinical Education Experience (6-9 credits)
Gives students the opportunity to utilize their classroom knowledge in a practical setting. This course will provide students with the opportunity to obtain direct experience involving specific Athletic Training issues. The location of the experience will be decided by the student (on or off-campus) under the direction of a Preceptor. Students must complete at least 300 clinical education hours at their designated clinical site. Emphasis is placed on the evaluation skills as defined by the clinical proficiencies delineated and published by the CAATE. (maximum hours = 350). Practicum. Spring MSAT only
ATTR 700 – Master’s Athletic Training Research Paper/Project (4 credits)
Prepares student to conceptualize and conduct independent research. In this course, students will execute a project designed to expand the students’ knowledge of athletic training by working with a mentor (students’ choice). The student will devise a research topic related to a domain in athletic training and conduct a research study/project. Students will present the mentor with a research paper that is to be submitted at a state, district, or national conference for a poster or oral presentation. Thesis/Project. Every semester online MSAT only.