Join SGA


Why Join SGA?

Make a difference in your campus community by joining Frostburg State SGA.  Work with FSU administration and student leaders to address the concerns of your fellow students.  Stop by our office in 223 Lane University Center for more info!

Executive Branch

The Executive Branch of SGA consists of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Committee Chairs.

  • The President oversees the daily operations and acts as a liaison between University administration and the student body.
  • The Vice-President fills in for the President in their absence and monitors the student senate committees.
  • The Treasurer oversees the SGA budget.
  • The Secretary maintains accurate meeting minutes of the SGA meetings.
  • Committee Chairs oversee the SGA Legislative Committees:
    • Governance
    • Senate Finance
    • Student Affairs
    • Public Relations
    • Diversity Equity, and Inclusion
    • Student Engagement

Legislative Branch

The Legislative Branch of SGA represents the entire student body.  Senators write and vote on bills that directly support the students at Frostburg State University.

Who are Senators?

Senators make up the legislative body of the Frostburg State SGA.  They hear and act on student concerns and work with one another on various projects within their committees that impact all Frostburg State students.

Judicial Branch

The Judicial Branch of SGA is comprised of the Judicial Board and Elections Commission. 

The Judicial Branch shall serve as the official appellant body utilized in cases of disagreements with SGA mandates, inner SGA disputes, and disagreements, and to ensure that the SGA is upholding the rules and regulations set forth by the Constitution, Bylaws, and Code of Conduct.

How do I apply?

Undergraduate students can either run for a senatorial position during SGA campus-wide elections in the Spring or interview for a position if/when there are available positions.

Interested students must be a current undergraduate, have at least a 2.5 GPA and be in good standing.