
Instructions for Forms

    • PDF Forms
      1. Double click the link to open the form in Adobe Acrobat
      2. Print out and complete the form
      3. Obtain the required signatures for approval
      4. Return the form to the Procurement Office
    • Interactive PDF Forms
      1. Double click the form link to download the PDF form and then save it to you computer.
      2. Double click on the form file you saved to your computer.
      3. Fill out the shaded areas of the form.
      4. Save the form under a name of your choice if you want to keep an electronic copy.
      5. Print the completed form. Obtain the necessary signatures and send the form to the Procurement Office.

Purchasing Forms

Procurement Card Forms

    • Exhibit A - Cardholder Agreement Form (PDF)
      The employee requesting a purchase card should print the Cardholder Agreement Form, fill it out, and have it approved by their supervisor. Please submit the form to the Procurement Office for processing. Only FSU employees are eligible to receive a procurement card and are required to attend training.
    • Exhibit E - Cardholder Activity Log (XLS)
      Departments are responsible for the monthly completion and reconciliation of the Cardholder Activity Log. If the department had transactions for the month, please reconcile, attach copies of the receipts, and mail to the Procurement Office.
    • The Missing Receipt Affidavit (PDF)
      This form can be used in place of an invoice only after every effort has been made to obtain an itemized invoice. Invoices should be itemized, Cash register receipts/credit card receipts are not acceptable since they do not show what was purchased.
Procurement & Material Handling Office

Frostburg State University
Stangle Building
101 Braddock Road
Frostburg, Maryland 21532
Procurement: 301.687.4242
Central Receiving: 301.687.4250
Fax: 301.687.4075