Programs Advancing Student Success (PASS)

FSU’s Programs Advancing Student Success (PASS) Office is devoted to ensuring the success of all students on their college journey. Here, FSU students can access resources that develop their basic learning skills, improving their success across all their academic pursuits.

Contact PASS

150 Pullen Hall
Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 4:30 pm

Services Available

Placement Testing

PASS conducts placement testing in math, reading and writing for incoming freshmen and transfer students. Sample tests and charts outlining the scoring system are available for students to review.

Developmental Math (DVMT)

Girl at computerCourses in pre-algebra and intermediate algebra are offered to help students build mathematical skills to prepare them for higher level math courses necessary for their plan of study.

Language Skills Development

These courses enhance students’ writing, reading, comprehension and critical thinking skills. To ensure that FSU students meet expectations, PASS connects students who score below college levels in placement testing with specially designated English courses.

Study Skills Help & Peer-Assisted Learning

PASS provides study skills help on a one-to-one basis to improve note-taking, time-management, textbook reading and test-taking skills. Students can participate in the Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL) program, which pairs them with trained student tutors who can help develop personalized strategies.

Academic Probation Program

PASS offers individual appointments for students on academic probation or academic warning. These meetings guide students in identifying their challenges and accessing resources to improve.


Individual tutoring for writing and content courses at FSU is available at the Tutoring Center.