Research Study on Sitagliptin in Breast Milk
Mar 27, 2020 1:25 PM
Research investigators at Frostburg State University are looking for participants able to provide 1-ounce breast milk samples collected while taking one of the following diabetes medications:
This study is designed to determine if sitagliptin (an active ingredient in the listed medications) is present in breast milk of those who are taking the medications. Prior to participation in the study, participants will complete an informed consent and questionnaire. Participants will then be asked to mail 1-ounce of their frozen milk to the investigators. All shipping costs will be paid for the by the investigators. Investigators will only look for sitagliptin in the samples; no other compounds will be studied. Participants will not receive compensation for taking part in the study.
If you are interested in participating in this study or learning more about it, please email Holly Currie, Ph.D. at .
This research was approved by the Frostburg State University Institutional Review Board (IRB) IRB#:H2021-009. Participation in this research study is voluntary and confidential. Your decision with respect to participation will have no effect on your current or future relationship with Frostburg State University. If providing a milk sample will have a negative impact your current feeding pattern, we ask that you do not participate in the study.