ACPS Chemistry and Physics Students Visit FSU

Jan 24, 2024 2:00 PM

Frostburg, Maryland

For three days in January, Frostburg State University’s Department of Chemistry and Physics had the opportunity to host nearly 275 local high school students and teachers from Allegany County Public Schools.

ACPS students

During the visit, students from Allegany, Fort Hill and Mountain Ridge High Schools and the Career Center were introduced to the department's faculty, staff and current students and participated in several hands-on learning activities.

Led by FSU chemistry and physics members, ACPS students learned about the organic synthesis of smelly eaters; investigative acid and base chemistry lab; the creation of hand lotion and the science behind it; and an exploration of physics lab. Additionally, the students participated in a question-and-answer session and a brief chemistry demonstration with FSU students.

FSU’s Department of Chemistry and Physics is grateful for the partnership with ACPS and enjoyed hosting high school chemistry students and their teachers for this three-day event. Lunch was courtesy of the Western Maryland Local Section of the American Chemical Society.