Student Spotlight - Daniel Baiyeshea

May 7, 2024 10:10 AM

eNews Student Spotlight highlights students who are successful inside and outside the classroom. This edition of eNews features Daniel Baiyeshea. 

Expected Class Year: 2024

Major: Business Administration with Marketing Concentration

Hometown: Gaithersburg, Md. 

Why did you choose to attend Frostburg State University?

I chose Frostburg because I wanted to be away from home while still in state and Frostburg was the perfect destination just two hours away. I also wanted to go to a smaller school where I would feel more seen by professors, staff and faculty and take advantage of smaller class sizes.

daniel baiyeshea

What extracurricular activities are you involved in?

American Marketing Association (President), Student Business Leadership Council, President's Leadership Circle, Student Alumni Ambassador

What is your favorite memory as a student?

My favorite memory from Frostburg is taking trips with the AMA to Chicago, Baltimore and New Orleans three times! A close second is going to Rocky Gap and nearby areas to hike, hammock, and spend time outside.

Which faculty and/or staff member has influenced you as a student?

Dr. Lily Ye, my advisor, has influenced me and helped me become the person I am today. She believed in me and pushed me to become the president of AMA and helped bring me out of my shell and grow confidently. Dr. Evan Offstein and Dr. Jeff McClellan were also phenomenal professors who changed my perspective on learning. 

What advice would you give to a student currently studying your major?

Network! Network! Network! In the business world it is all about who you know, and your network will determine your path. Form connections and relationships early on so you are prepared for the next steps. Also be an opportunist, you never know what you could gain from attending an event or a conference, doors open like crazy when you are willing to take the opportunity. 

Tell us about a class or activity at FSU that has had a surprising effect on your life.

Dr. Offstein's ethics course was life-changing for me. This class made me ask myself the hard questions and think ethically in all avenues of life. I was surprised by how many ethical decisions are made daily, some conscious and others not. In this course we were asked to complete five hours of goodness and volunteer in the community, which is something I usually would not have done. The reflection paper from the volunteer service made me reflect on what volunteerism really is and inspired me to volunteer more in my life. 

What is a cause dear to your heart?

Homelessness and poverty have always been causes that are important to me. Seeing people in less fortunate positions makes me rethink the decisions I make and encourage me to give back in any way I can. No one deserves to live a quality of life less than they desire and I would like to contribute to changing that in any way I can. 

What do you do for fun?

I really enjoy traveling and new experiences! I have been to about five new states this year and am traveling to China and Japan this summer!

What three words can you use to describe FSU?

Frigid. Scenic. Calm. 

baiyeshea with friends
Daniel is a Student Alumni Ambassador. He is pictured with advisors Kayla Mathew '15/M'17 and Stephanie Loar '12 and fellow SAA's Ella Snyder and MacKenzie Guynes.