Virginia, Loudoun County
Data Center Alley. Loudoun County is “the backbone of the online world,” home of the mammoth server farms that carried—as of 2016—an estimated 70 percent of all the world’s Web traffic. One wonders whether locating such a hub so near the nation’s capital was a good idea, strategically speaking. See
Household income. According to Wikipedia, Loudoun County has the highest median household income of any U.S. county. The U.S. Census Bureau put that figure in 2022 at $167,531. See,_Virginia and,_Virginia?g=050XX00US51107#income-and-poverty.
Purcellville. In March 2020, the early days of the COVID pandemic, the Purcellville Police Department announced that teenagers at a local grocery were "reportedly coughing on produce, while filming themselves and posting it," which the police called "a disturbing trend on social media across the country." However, attempts to track down video evidence locally or anywhere else--even from the Purcellville store cameras--proved elusive, and after interviewing two hapless teens who admitted only "getting close to other patrons and coughing into their own sleeves, while filming it on their phones," the police sounded the all-clear, as there was "no criminal intent," and "no actual customers or produce were spit or coughed on directly." In reporting all this, dryly called produce-coughing "something less than a national craze." See Mikkelson, David. "Is Teens Coughing on Produce a 'Disturbing Trend' in the US?" 23 March 2020.