Societies & Clubs
Members of the Recreation Society engage in outdoor activities and sports, host speakers from the field, encourage discussion of timely topics such as nature preservation and explore career opportunities.
The general purpose of the Frostburg State University Recreation Society is to provide professional development activities to FSU students. In addition, the organization provides the following specific purposes: to offer professional activities in the Recreation and Parks field, to assist students in their career development, to provide service activities for the campus and local communities, and to provide students with the opportunity to gain experience in programming activities.

Membership and Dues
Membership is open to Frostburg State University students 18 years of age and older. Every member has voting privileges. To retain membership status, the following requirements have to be met: attendance of 50% of the Recreation Society regular meetings per semester (students having time conflicts with the Recreation Society regular meetings, due to classes or other responsibilities need to consult the Recreation Society advisor); participation in at least one activity provided per semester; participation in one fundraiser or community service project per semester. Two weeks notice is to be given if a member is to be removed. There is no membership fee, trip fees when deemed necessary.
To be eligible as an officer, students are required to be a student at FSU for two consecutive semesters after their election.
- Advisor - Dr. Natalia Buta
Reasons we love the Recreation Society
- It’s open to all students at the campus, it’s a great opportunity to meet students outside of the program!
- We get to experience adventurous and fun activities both on-campus or off-campus (rock climbing, hikes, and cookouts)
- Students that are majoring in RPM (Recreation & Parks Management) have the opportunity for professional development.
- It’s a great way to gain community service hours
- The opportunity to experience recreational/leisure activities for the first time (visits to Rocky Gap, rock climbing, traveling to other colleges, etc.)
- It’s open to all students at the campus, it’s a great opportunity to meet students outside of the program!
Letter from a former President of the Recreation Society
My personal experience from being in Rec Society has been life changing as far as leadership skills and networking. As the president of the organization, I've learned many things that can and will help me in whatever I decide to do as a career (i.e., communication, program planning, etc.) Being a part of the Rec Society has allowed me the opportunity to visit Dan's Rock for the first time, with an awesome group of students and learn a variety of skills. One of the most exciting experiences was learning some techniques for when climbing a rock wall. I get the opportunity to work with faculty members in the Rec Department and plan future events for the club. This year alone, another member of Rec Society and I hosted the Halloween event for the city of Frostburg. Most importantly, I developed a lot of friendships with other students within the organization. I honestly believe that Rec Society can do so much more in the future for the students and community members of Frostburg. What I love about Rec Society is that it's an open club. You don't have to be majoring in RPM to become a member, anyone can join. I would, however, encourage and recommend those students in the RPM Department to consider joining and getting involved in Rec Society. Not only will it give them the opportunity for professional development, but it will also help them out with RPM classes and their future career. Plus you get to hang out and do fun recreational activities with students within your major outside of class.
Rashaan Rhoden, President