Alcoholic Energy Drinks
- Mixing alcohol (a depressant) with caffeine (a stimulant) is a bit loko. You place yourself at risk for an unpredictable chemical reaction.
- Caffeine can mask the effects of alcohol; therefore, making people feel less drunk than they actually are…of course until the level of toxicity becomes so significant that we rapidly and unexpectedly become wiped-out drunk (not good!).
- Alcoholic energy drinks have a higher concentration of alcohol by volume. Most of these drinks are between 10% and 12% alcohol by volume as compared to most beers that are 3% to 4% alcohol by volume.
- Larger cans at higher volume of alcohol (plus stimulants) add up to an increased intoxication rate which means greater impairment, larger stupidity, and an exponential risk of negative consequences to you.
- The average cleverly decorated can of alcoholic energy drink is equivalent to about 4 to 5 beers in terms of total alcohol content and 3 to 4 cups of coffee in terms of caffeine content. When quickly consumed in probably less than an hour, this always results in rapid intoxication. Sounds real fun…but not really. Students rarely report having fun when becoming rapidly intoxicated and their friends are usually not impressed either.
- Information is beginning to surface indicating that men are more likely to become aggressive due to the mix of depressants and stimulants….more fights, more arrests, and more hurting others in significant relationships.
- Due to higher intoxication rates associated with females consuming alcoholic energy drinks, women are more likely to be the victim of a sexual assault, blackout from drinking, or suffer from significant social transgressions.
- Alcoholic energy drinks usually consist of 800-900 calories…not exactly a healthy consumption choice.
- Individuals who have unknown health risks associated with their hearts are at greatest risk due to rapidly ingesting high levels of stimulants that raise blood pressure and increase heart palpitations.