Shop at PAWS Pantry

PAWS Pantry Food

The PAWS Pantry is open and available to all students, faculty, and staff. Customers will complete a brief online intake and waiver form (linked below) to register as a pantry member during their first visit. During regular hours, students may come to the pantry and shop from our selection of non-perishable foods, frozen foods, and household/hygiene products (when available).

Vision The PAWS Pantry envisions a healthy campus community without barriers in the pursuit of personal and educational achievement.

Mission The PAWS Pantry at Frostburg State University provides food and necessities to FSU students at no cost. The Pantry aims to decrease the impact that food insecurity has on the academic success of our students through hunger alleviation and increased education in the areas of personal budgeting, nutrition, and wellness.

UPDATED LIABILITY FORM: PAWS Pantry recently updated our Intake and Liability Waiver. All customers (new and returning) will need to complete this form before using the pantry.



Do I need to visit the pantry every week to stay a customer? No, come when you need to. Once a year, every week, or now and again.

Is the pantry anonymous? Only the AmeriCorps members and Student Life staff can see who utilizes the pantry. Students will be asked to type in either the name or student ID when checking out.

What if I have been exposed to or tested positive for COVID? Please email to coordinate having a friend pick up food for you. The friend will be asked to complete the liability form but does not need to be a current member or actively utilize the pantry in order to pick up your food. Please do not come to the pantry if you are sick or have been exposed.


The PAWS Pantry is a proud partner of the Maryland Food Bank's School Pantry Program.
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An AmeriCorps member serves here

PAWS Pantry Hours
Spring 2025

Walk-up Hours

12-4:30 pm, 6-7:30 pm
12-4:30 pm
12-4:30 pm
12-4:30 pm

Closed Tuesdays, Saturdays and Sundays

Other weekdays by appointment

To schedule an appointment, please email

The Braddock House
20 Braddock Road

The FSU Paws Pantry is a distribution partner of Maryland Food Bank.

Contact PAWS Pantry

Kristina Thompson
AmeriCorps Pantry Coordinator

During regular pantry hours
Phone:  301.687.7598
Fax:  301.687.7049