Support PAWS Pantry
Filling the need
There has been a growing trend of food insecurity and homelessness amongst college students across the nation. These issues can directly impact a student’s education and personal growth.
How can I support the pantry?
Food and supply donations The pantry accepts non-perishable foods and hygiene products year-round. Items can be dropped off at the Pantry during normal hours of operation (see website) or by emailing to set up a drop-off time.
Monetary Donations Allow us to purchase needed items, and supply students with perishable items like bread, milk, and eggs from local stores. Any checks should be made payable to “FSU Foundation - #70241” and can be dropped off at the above locations or visit the Foundation Website to donate online.
PAWS Pantry Wish List
The pantry relies on donations to provide students with much needed resources. Below is a list of items the pantry regularly needs. Items can be dropped off during normal operating hours or in the donation box on the side porch!
Non-perishables Students appreciate microwavable items or cans that have pop-tops. Many of our students live in the residence halls so utilize their microwave frequently and/or do not have pots and pans to cook items on the stove.
- 90 second rice
- Breakfast items (oatmeal, grits, breakfast bars, granola bars, cereal, SHELF STABLE milk)
- Brownie, cupcake, cake, muffin mix
- Canned goods (veggies, different soups, fruit, variety of beans, spaghetti sauce)
- Canned meals (i.e. Chef Boyardee)
- Chicken, beef, or shrimp ramen
- Condiments
- Flavored rice (chicken, beef, Spanish rice, etc.)
- Frozen fruit, vegetables, meat, meals (DO NOT leave frozen items in the donation box; please drop off during operating hours OR email to schedule a drop-off time)
- Gluten-free snacks
- Hamburger helper
- Pasta sides (i.e. Knorr's)
- Mac & Cheese
- Peanut butter and jelly
- Sodas
- Uncooked pasta
- Variety of canned soups
- Variety of seasonings
- Variety of snacks (chips a hoy Oreos, candy, variety boxes of chips, popcorn, pudding/Jell-O, etc.)
- Vegetarian/vegan options
- Water bottles
- White or brown rice
Personal Hygiene
- Body lotion
- Body wash - Men or Women
- Deodorant – Men or Women
- Hairbrushes or combs
- Pads and tampons
- Razors, Shaving Cream
- Shampoo/conditioners
- Toothbrushes, Toothpaste, Mouthwash
Household Items
- Can openers
- Cleaning products
- Dish soap
- Dryer Sheets
- Laundry Detergent
- Paper towels
- Plates or bowls
- Pots and pans
- Scent Beads
- Single-roll toilet paper
- Trash bags
- Tupperware
- Utensils
- Ziplock bags