Chart Descriptions
Campus Climate Survey chart descriptions
HEDS Diversity and Equity Campus Climate Survey-Summary: Campus Diversity
Respondents by Race/Ethnicity
Frostburg State University: 74% white, 25% US P.O.C, 1% international
All Other Institutions: 66% white, 29% US P.O.C, 5% international
Respondents by Gender
Frostburg State University: 38% man (cisgender), 59% woman (cisgender), 3% non-binary and/or transgender
All Other Institutions: 37% man (cisgender), 61% woman (cisgender), 2% non-binary and/or transgender
Respondents by Sexual Orientation
Frostburg State University: 76% heterosexual, 24% LGBTQIA+
All Other Institutions: 82% heterosexual, 18% LGBTQIA+
Respondents by Religion
Frostburg State University: 61% Christian, 5% Other Religious Affiliation, 34% no religious affiliation
All Other Institutions: 64% Christian, 6% Other Religious Affiliation, 29% no religious affiliation
Respondents by Political Affiliation
Frostburg State University: 44% Liberal, 36% Middle-of-the-Road, 20% Conservative
All Other Institutions: 45% Liberal, 36% Middle-of-the-Road, 19% Conservative
Respondents by Disability Status
Frostburg State University: 9% Long-term disability, 2% Temporary disability, 89% No disability
All Other Institutions: 8% Long-term disability, 2% Temporary disability, 90% No disability
HEDS Diversity and Equity Campus Climate Survey 2020–2021
Campus Climate for Diversity and Equity
Frostburg State University: 57% Satisfied with Campus Climate
All Other Institutions: 74% Satisfied with Campus Climate
Frostburg State University: 47% Satisfied with Extent All Community Members Experience a Sense of Belonging
All Other Institutions 51% Satisfied with Extent All Community Members Experience a Sense of Belonging
Frostburg State University: 33% Agreed that the Campus is Free from Tensions
All Other Institutions 44% Agreed that the Campus is Free from Tensions
Views on Diversity and Equity
Frostburg State University: 88% Agreed that Diversity Improves Campus Interactions
All Other Institutions: 89% Agreed that Diversity Improves Campus Interactions
Frostburg State University: 64% Comfortable Sharing Views on Diversity and Equity
All Other Institutions: 68% Comfortable Sharing Views on Diversity and Equity
HEDS Diversity and Equity Campus Climate Survey-Summary: Negative Experiences
During your time at this institution, about how often have you heard someone make an insensitive or disparaging remark about: (% Sometimes, Often, or Very often, Q10)
People with a particular political affiliation/view: Frostburg State University 63%
People with a particular political affiliation/view: All Other Institutions 57%
People who have a particular racial and/or ethnic identity: Frostburg State University 35%
People who have a particular racial and/or ethnic identity: All Other Institutions 31%
People of a particular gender or gender identity: Frostburg State University 33%
People of a particular gender or gender identity: All Other Institutions 33%
People of a particular age or generation: Frostburg State University 31%
People of a particular age or generation: All Other Institutions 31%
People of a particular sexual orientation: Frostburg State University 27%
People of a particular sexual orientation: All Other Institutions 31%
People from a particular socioeconomic background: Frostburg State University 21%
People from a particular socioeconomic background: All Other Institutions 25%
People for whom English is not their native language: Frostburg State University 21%
People for whom English is not their native language: All Other Institutions 23%
People from a particular religious background: Frostburg State University 19%
People from a particular religious background: All Other Institutions 26%
People who are immigrants: Frostburg State University 19%
People who are immigrants: All Other Institutions 22%
People with a particular disability: Frostburg State University 15%
People with a particular disability: All Other Institutions 16%
Have you ever been discriminated against or harassed on this campus, at an off‐campus residence, or at an off‐campus program/event affiliated with this institution? (Q13)
Frostburg State University 21% Yes, 11% Unsure, 68% No
All Other Institutions 19% Yes, 9% Unsure, 72% No
Did any of these incidents of discrimination or harassment at this institution occur in the last year? (Q15) This question only appeared to respondents who indicated they had experienced discrimination or harassment in Q13.
Frostburg State University: 59% Yes, 41% No
All Other Institutions: 61% Yes, 39% No
Source of Insensitive/Disparaging Remarks ‐ % of Respondents Who Selected Each Source (Q11)
Students: Frostburg State University 55%, All Other Institutions 57%
Faculty: Frostburg State University 32%, All Other Institutions 25%
Staff: Frostburg State University 33%, All Other Institutions 20%
Administrators: Frostburg State University 20%, All Other Institutions 15%
Local Community: Frostburg State University 63%, All Other Institutions 43%
Source of Discrimination/Harassment ‐ % of Respondents Who Selected Each Source (Q18) This question only appeared to respondents who indicated they had experienced discrimination or harassment in Q13
Students: Frostburg State University 63%, All Other Institutions 64%
Faculty: Frostburg State University 31%, All Other Institutions 39%
Staff: Frostburg State University 33%, All Other Institutions 25%
Administrators: Frostburg State University 25%, All Other Institutions 23%
Local Community: Frostburg State University 33%, All Other Institutions 22%
HEDS Diversity and Equity Campus Climate Survey-Summary: Experiences by Group - Your Institution
Negative Experiences Related to Race/Ethnicity (% Sometimes, Often, or Very Often)
Heard negative remarks about race/ethnicity: U.S. White 29%, U.S. POC 55%, International -%
Experienced discrimination based on race/ethnicity: U.S. White 4%, U.S. POC 15%, International -%
Negative Experiences Related to Gender (% Sometimes, Often, or Very Often)
Heard negative remarks about gender: 26% man (cisgender), 35% woman (cisgender), 62% non-binary and/or transgender
Experienced discrimination based on gender: 3% man (cisgender), 9% woman (cisgender), 46% non-binary and/or transgender
Negative Experiences Related to Sexual Orientation (% Sometimes, Often, or Very Often)
Heard negative remarks about sexual orientation: 24% heterosexual, 38% LGBTQIA+
Experienced discrimination based on sexual orientation: 1% heterosexual, 10% LGBTQIA+
Negative Experiences Related to Religion (% Sometimes, Often, or Very Often)
Heard negative remarks about religion: 18% Christian, 50% Other Religious Affiliation, 15% no religious affiliation
Experienced discrimination based on religion: 1% Christian, 12% Other Religious Affiliation, 1% no religious affiliation
Negative Experiences Related to Political Views (% Sometimes, Often, or Very Often)
Heard negative remarks about political affiliation: 69% Liberal, 60% Middle-of-the-Road, 56% Conservative
Experienced discrimination based on political affiliation: 7% Liberal, 6% Middle-of-the-Road, 17% Conservative
Negative Experiences Related to Disabilities (% Sometimes, Often, or Very Often)
Heard negative remarks about disability status: 34% Long-term disability, 22% Temporary disability, 12% No disability
Experienced discrimination based on disability status: 16% Long-term disability, 11% Temporary disability, <1% No disability
Climate & Support at Frostburg State University
Campus Climate for Diversity and Equity
- Faculty have substantially fewer positive views of campus climate than graduate students
- staff/administrators have substantially fewer positive views of campus climate than graduate students
- non‐binary and/or transgender individuals have substantially fewer positive views of campus climate than men (cisgender), women (cisgender)
- liberal individuals have substantially fewer positive views of campus climate than conservative individuals
- individuals with a long‐term disability have substantially fewer positive views of campus climate than individuals without a disability
Institutional Support for Diversity and Equity
- Faculty perceive fewer institutional support than graduate students
- non‐binary and/or transgender individuals perceive fewer institutional support than men (cisgender), women (cisgender)
- individuals with religious identities outside of Christianity perceive fewer institutional support than Christians
- liberal individuals perceive fewer institutional support than middle‐of‐the‐road individuals, conservative individuals
- middle‐of‐the‐road individuals perceive fewer institutional support than conservative individuals.
Negative Experiences at Frostburg State University
Insensitive or Disparaging Remarks
- Non‐binary and/or transgender individuals hear more insensitive or disparaging remarks than men (cisgender), women (cisgender).
- Individuals with religious identities outside of Christianity hear more insensitive or disparaging remarks than Christians, individuals with no religious affiliation.
- Liberal individuals hear more insensitive or disparaging remarks than middle‐of‐the‐road individuals, conservative individuals.
- Individuals with a long‐term disability hear more insensitive or disparaging remarks than individuals without a disability.
Discrimination or Harassment
- Undergraduate students experienced more discrimination or harassment than graduate students.
- Faculty experienced more discrimination or harassment than graduate students.
- Staff/administrators experienced more discrimination or harassment than graduate students.
- Non‐binary and/or transgender individuals experienced more discrimination or harassment than men (cisgender), women (cisgender).
- Individuals affiliated with another religion experienced more discrimination or harassment than Christians, individuals with no religious affiliation.
- Individuals with a long‐term disability experienced more discrimination or harassment than individuals without a disability.