Summary: Experiences by Group - Your Institution

HEDS Diversity and Equity Campus Climate Survey
Frostburg State University -
Released 06/25/2021

In the graphs below, we focus only on students, faculty, and staff from your institution. The graphs depict how often people at your institution hear insensitive or disparaging remarks or experience incidents of discrimination or harassment focused on an aspect of their identity. For example, the first graph depicts how often people with different racial/ethnic identities hear disparaging remarks or experience discrimination on the basis of their race/ethnicity.

There are six graphs, one for each of the following aspects of a person's identity: race/ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, political affiliation, and disability status.

Note: Groups marked with an asterisk (*) in the graph legends below include only 5 to 9 people from your institution. We do not show data on this worksheet for groups containing fewer than five people.

Negative Experiences Related to Race/Ethnicity

% Sometimes, Often, or Very Often

a complex bar graph displaying Disparities in Exp by Group

Negative Experiences Related to Gender

% Sometimes, Often, or Very Often

a complex bar graph displaying Neg Experience by Gender

Negative Experiences Related to Sexual Orientation

% Sometimes, Often, or Very Often

a complex bar graph displaying Negative Experiences Related to Sexual Orientation

Negative Experiences Related to Religion

% Sometimes, Often, or Very Often

a complex bar graph displaying Neg Experiences by Religion chart


Negative Experiences Related to Political Views

% Sometimes, Often, or Very Often

a complex bar graph displaying Neg Experience by Political Affiliaton chart


Negative Experiences Related to Disabilities

% Sometimes, Often, or Very Often

a complex bar graph displaying Neg Experience by Disability chart