Honors Variants
"Honors variants" are versions of introductory courses in the General Education Program. Honors variants are distinguished by small class size; an emphasis on active learning experiences, such as simulations and projects; and attempts to engage students, faculty, and administrators in collaborative learning.Most Honors variants are offered once per academic year. Departmental commitments may require changes in the schedule of course offerings.
Honors: Art Appreciation, ART 111
Honors: Introduction to Computer Science, COSC 111
Honors: Principles of Macro-Economics, ECON 211
Honors: Freshman Composition, ENGL 111
Honors: Comparative Literature, ENGL 250
Honors: Advanced Composition, ENGL 312
Honors: Physical Geography, GEOG 113
Honors: Human Geography, GEOG 114
Honors: The Contemporary World in Historical Perspective, HIST 111
Honors: First-Year Colloquium, IDIS 151
Honors: Elements of Applied Probability and Statistics, MATH 110
Honors: Introduction to Philosophy, PHIL 111
Honors: Introduction to American Politics, POSC 112
Honors: Introduction to World Politics, POSC 114
Honors: General Psychology, PSYC 151
Honors: Introduction to Sociology, SOCI 111