Frequently Asked Questions
General:- I cannot log into Canvas
- Canvas doesn't load or work properly for me
- How do I change my password?
- Filename usage
- A course I am enrolled in is not showing up, how do I view it?
- How do I combine (collapse) courses?
- How do I make my course available?
- How to copy course material from one course to another
- How long will my courses stay on Canvas?
- How do I change the role of a user/student/participant in my course?
- What do I do if I need to get my course materials from a Canvas course that was canceled due to under enrollment or over three years old?
I cannot log into Canvas
Your username/password for Canvas@FSU are identical to your e-mail account. This account is known as your "Frostburg credentials". If you do not know your username & password, or believe you have forgotten your password then please use the Password Management Portal.
Canvas does not load or work properly for me.
Your computer configuration may not meet the minimum requirements for using Canvas, check your configuration using these two Canvas Guides: Browsers or Computer Specifications. There is also our Technology Requirements page.
How do I change my password?
Use the Password Management Portal. NOTE: This will change your password for email, Workday/PAWS, and the FSU network in addition to Canvas.
Filename usage
Students should not include the '#' symbol (or any other special characters) in any filenames. These files are not able to be opened by the instructor. Please do not use this symbol (or any other special characters) in filenames.
The course that I am enrolled in is not showing up. How do I view it?
Check with the instructor of the course to verify you are enrolled and that they have made the course available to you. Additionally, check with the business office and make sure no flags exist on your account.
I am teaching multiple sections of the same course. How do I combine them?
You must use PAWS to combine or collapse any courses into a single, multiple enrollments, course. Please see this PDF for instructions.
How do I make my course available to students?
By default, all courses are not visible to students, once you've configured your course just how you want it you can make it available by publishing it. Please see the following Canvas Guide: Publishing
How long will my courses remain in Canvas?
Courses will remain in the system for three years after a course has ended. So, if a course was offered during Spring 2015 it would be removed from the Canvas system at the beginning of Spring 2018. We suggest you Export your course material so you are able to Import that material into another course.
How do I change the role of a user (student/participant) in my course?
Instructors do not have the ability to add/remove users and/or change user roles within Canvas. If you have a need for this type of request, please contact the Help Desk using the FSU Help Desk Portal.
How do I retrieve my course material from a course that is no longer showing up in Canvas (due to under enrollment or over three years old)?
Please contact the Help Desk using the FSU Help Desk Portal.