Program Requirements

Frostburg State University offers a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art and Design (BFA).

  • Bachelor of Art and Design (BFA)
    • You must successfully pass Studio Focus Review (ART 291 – concurrent enrollment in second advanced studio course) and Senior Review (ART 491 – concurrent enrollment in ART 411).
    • You must successfully complete ART 207 Graphic Design by the time you earn 45 credit hours. ART 207 also provides instruction in technology fluency and information literacy for BFA candidates.
    • Only courses in which a grade of C or better is earned may count towards satisfaction of major and minor requirements.
    • Optional internships are available to qualifying students.

    Basic Courses: (15 hours)

    • ART 104 Two-Dimensional Design
    • ART 105 Three-Dimensional Design
    • ART 207 Graphic Design (Tech. Fluency)
    • ART 212 Drawing
    • ART 412 Advanced Drawing

    Introductory Studio: (21 hours)

    • ART 202 Ceramics
    • ART 216 Illustration
    • ART 221 Painting
    • ART 232 Printmaking
    • ART 235 Photography
    • ART 240 Sculpture
    • ART 307 Computer Graphics or ART 336 Digital Imaging for the Fine Arts

    Graphic Design students must include ART 307 and Fine Art students must include ART 336.

    Studio Focus Review: (1 hour)

    • ART 291 Studio Focus Review

    Art History and Critical Studies: (12 hours)

    • ART 301 Artistic Traditions: Asia (GEP Group F) or ART 302 Artistic Traditions: Africa and the Americas (GEP Group F)
    • ART 360 Western Art History
    • ART 408 20th Century Art History
    • ART 415 Art Criticism

    Advanced Studio Focus (18 hours – 12 credit hours in focus and 6 credit hours in secondary area)
    OR Dual-Media Studio Focus (18 hours – 9 credit hours in focus and 9 hours in secondary area)

    • ART 402 Advanced Ceramics
    • ART 416 Advanced Illustration
    • ART 407 Advanced Graphic Design*
    • ART 421 Advanced Painting
    • ART 432 Advanced Printmaking
    • ART 435 Advanced Photography
    • ART 440 Advanced Sculpture
    • *ART407 Advanced Graphic Design: Print
    • *ART 414 Advanced Graphic Design: Interactive Multimedia Design


    Requirements for P-12 Teaching Certification Option in Art

    If you wish to complete a Maryland State approved program in teaching Art, you must:

    • Complete the BFA in Art and Design
    • Meet the phase admissions requirements summarized in the Educational Professions section
    • Complete the professional education sequence described in Education: P-12 Programs

  • Accelerated Masters in Teaching Option

    Students wishing to teach Art PK12 level (elementary, middle and high school) can obtain both a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art and Design and a Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) in five years through the following pathway offered by the MAT Secondary program. This pathway requires students to take nine credits of specified graduate courses while completing their undergraduate program in Art. These nine graduate credits will be used as electives toward the undergraduate degree as well as the requirements of the MATS. Students interested in this pathway should:

    1. Discuss the MATS pathway option with their first-year advisor.
    2. Meet with the MATS Coordinator as a first-year or sophomore.
    3. Apply to the MATS program in the Spring of their sophomore year (February 1 application deadline).
    4. Once conditionally admitted (a requirement for the following graduate courses to count as electives in the undergraduate program as well as in the MATS program) take:
      • REED 517 Reading in the Content Area (Fall or Spring Junior or Senior year).
      • SPED 551 Adapting Instruction in Diverse Classrooms (Fall Senior year).
      • SCED 510 Secondary Methods in Curriculum (Spring Senior year).

    Please note that students who are considering this pathway should work with their advisor to create a plan of study that allows these 9 credits of graduate courses to be taken in the Junior and Senior years in addition to a minimum of 12 undergraduate credits per semester.

View requirements in Undergraduate Catalog

You can enrich your major by considering one of the following minors.

Minors and Emphases in the Department of Visual Art:

  • Minor in Art History

    Basic Courses (3 credit hours) Choose from the following:

    • ART 100 Art Appreciation (GEP Group A)
    • HIST 100 The Twentieth Century World (GEP Group B or Group F)

    Core Courses (12 credit hours) Choose from the following:

    • ART 301 Artistic Traditions: Asia (GEP Group F) or ART 302 Artistic Traditions: Africa and the Americas (GEP Group F)
    • ART 360 Western Art History
    • ART 408 20th Century Art History
    • ART 415 Art Criticism

    Electives (3 credit hours) Choose from the following:

    • ART 370 Women/Gender and the Visual Arts
    • ART 380 19th Century Art History
    • ART 430 Greek and Roman Art
    • ART 460 Renaissance and Baroque Art History

    View requirements in Undergraduate Catalog
  • Minor in Fine Arts

    Basic Courses (6 credit hours)

    • ART 104 Two-Dimensional Design
    • ART 105 Three-Dimensional Design

    Art History and Critical Studies (3 credit hours) Choose from the following:

    • ART 301 Artistic Traditions: Asia (GEP Group F) or ART 302 Artistic Traditions: Africa and the Americas (GEP Group F)
    • ART 360 Western Art History
    • ART 380 19th Century Art History
    • ART 408 20th Century Art History
    • ART 460 Renaissance and Baroque Art History

    Introductory Studio (9 credit hours) Choose from the following:

    • ART 202 Ceramics
    • ART 209 Crafts Workshop
    • ART 212 Drawing
    • ART 216 Illustration
    • ART 221 Painting
    • ART 232 Printmaking
    • ART 235 Photography
    • ART 240 Sculpture
    • ART 336 Digital Imaging for the Fine Arts

    Advanced Studio Focus (3 credit hours) Choose from the following:

    • ART 402 Advanced Ceramics
    • ART 416 Advanced Illustration
    • ART 421 Advanced Painting
    • ART 432 Advanced Printmaking
    • ART 435 Advanced Photography
    • ART 440 Advanced Sculpture

    View requirements in Undergraduate Catalog
  • Minor in Graphic Design

    Basic Courses (9 credit hours)

    • ART 104 Two-Dimensional Design
    • ART 207 Graphic Design (meets Tech. Fluency GEP requirement)
    • ART 212 Drawing

    Introductory Studio (3 credit hours) Choose from the following:

    • ART 216 Illustration
    • ART 221 Painting
    • ART 232 Printmaking
    • ART 235 Photography

    Advanced Studio Focus (9 credit hours)

    • ART 307 Computer Graphics
    • ART 407 Advanced Graphic Design: Print
    • ART 414 Advanced Graphic Design: Interactive Multimedia Design

    View requirements in Undergraduate Catalog
  • Emphasis in Computer Print Graphics

    Students may transfer a maximum of 12 credits into the program selected from ART 104, ART 207, ART 212 and ART 336.

    Required Courses (24 credit hours)

    • ART 104 Two-Dimensional Design
    • ART 207 Graphic Design
    • ART 212 Drawing
    • ART 307 Computer Graphics
    • ART 336 Digital Imaging for the Fine Arts
    • ART 407 Advanced Graphic Design: Print (Level 1)
    • ART 407 Advanced Graphic Design: Print (Level II)
    • ART 414 Advanced Graphic Design: Interactive Multimedia Design

    College-level proficiency in English is required, as evidenced by a passing score on the English placement exam, completion of ENGL 101 or completion of its equivalent at another institution.

    View requirements in Undergraduate Catalog