FSU Foundation Grants


When external foundation grantors require a 501(c)3 applicant, the FSU Foundation may serve as the fiscal agent to apply for and accept funding on behalf of the University. Funds acquired will, in most cases, be sub-awarded to the University to conduct the administration and execution of the project. The FSU Foundation recommends first contacting the Office of Sponsored Programs to discuss the application process and to determine the necessity of involving the FSU Foundation.

The FSU Foundation's Federal Tax ID number may not be used without prior authorization from the FSU Foundation.


FSUF Opportunity Grants

These are internal grants funded by the generosity of donors through FSUF's Annual Fund and other specific restricted funds as outlined here. The OSP is not involved in the selection or administration of these grants. Faculty, staff, and students may apply for funding directly through the FSU Foundation by completing an application.



Project and program directors seeking corporate or foundation support, including grants and sponsorships, should contact the FSU Foundation for guidance in order to protect the nature of the organization's charitable gift. FSU is not recognized by the IRS as a charitable organization and is unable to provide a valid charitable gift receipt.


In-Kind Gifts

Contact the FSU Foundation for guidance before accepting any non-monetary gift in support of an FSU program or project. This may include, but is not limited to, equipment, services, hardware, software, personal property, and food.



FSU Foundation Contact:

E-mail: fsufoundation@frostburg.edu
Phone: 301/687.4068