Faculty Development Programs

Revisions to the processes and procedures for Faculty Development Programs may not be reflected in the most recent edition of the Faculty Handbook. For questions about the specific programs and funds, please reach out to the Office of Sponsored Programs at facdev@frostburg.edu.

The number of grants and the amounts of awards may vary from year to year depending on the budget allocated to the Faculty Development and Sabbatical/Professional Research Leave Subcommittee by the Office of the Provost.

  Quick Forms

All application forms must be typed and submitted electronically to the Office of Sponsored Programs at facdev@frostburg.edu. Handwritten applications may be returned to applicants for resubmission at the discretion of the subcommittee. 

Assigned Time Grants

Assigned Time Grants are designed to provide faculty with time during the Fall or Spring semesters to be involved in innovative projects in the areas of teaching improvement, academic achievement, or University/community service. Although it is not the intent to restrict applications, certain themes may be established by the Faculty Development and Sabbatical Subcommittee as areas of special interest for the year. Community service projects must be related to the faculty member’s role as a representative of an academic profession and the University. New initiatives are favored as opposed to ongoing or continuing projects. The number of assigned time grants awarded is determined by the fiscal year budget allocation. The academic department is reimbursed for the actual cost of replacing one grantee for a one-fourth workload (typically one course). Normally, additional funding for project expenses is provided. Grantees are encouraged to seek departmental support for incidental project expenses. Except in unusual circumstances, the grantee’s total workload may not exceed the standard workload during the period of the grant. The Faculty Development and Sabbatical Subcommittee solicits and evaluates proposals for assigned time grants. A list of successful applicants and their project titles is distributed to the faculty and staff soon after the selections are made. Files of successful and unsuccessful proposals are located in the Office of Sponsored Programs.

Eligibility: All continuing full-time faculty members are eligible.

Application procedures: Calls for applications are sent to the faculty by the Office of Sponsored Programs during the first week in February for Fall grants and the first week in September for Spring grants. The application includes the following elements:

  • Specification of category (teaching improvement, academic achievement, university/service)
  • Title
  • Statement of objectives
  • Brief description of activities with timeline
  • Statement of impact on applicant’s professional development
  • Statement of benefit to FSU
  • Description of the applicant’s workload for the semester that the grant is in effect
  • Statement from the department chair indicating how the one-fourth workload will be covered
  • List of titles and dates of previous faculty development grants.

Email the completed application and required supporting materials to FacDev@frostburg.edu. Deadlines are announced in the call for applications. The application deadline is usually the first week of March for Fall grants and during the first week of October for Spring grants. Applicants are notified of the Subcommittee’s decision 4-6 weeks after the application deadline or by the date posted in the Call for Application email.

Selection procedures and criteria: The Subcommittee reviews and selects Assigned Time Grant recipients. Subcommittee members who have submitted applications may not participate in the selection process. When necessary, to achieve a sufficient number of evaluators and/or to provide expertise, the Subcommittee may appoint additional faculty members to be involved in the review and selection process. Criteria for selection include:

  • Potential for impact on applicant’s professional development
  • Benefit to FSU
  • Clarity of proposal
  • Performance on previous faculty development grants
  • Time elapsed since last faculty development grant, faculty are not eligible for this award in consecutive years.
  • Relationship to designated priority areas (if applicable)

Generally, if proposals are of comparable quality, preference is given to applicants who have not had recent grants or stipends.

Project report: Upon completion of the project, a final report must be submitted to the Office of Sponsored Programs. The final report should include a summary of project activities and statement of the degree to which objectives were achieved, how the project contributed to the professional development of the faculty member, and how the project benefited FSU. Faculty members are not eligible for subsequent faculty development fund if they fail to submit a final report. Final reports are kept on file, along with the original proposal, in the Office of Sponsored Programs. Grantees may be asked to present a summary of the project to the University community.

Assigned Time Grant Application Form


Project Grants

Project Grants are designed to provide individual faculty members, departments, or groups of faculty members with funding to carry out projects in the categories of teaching improvement, academic achievement, or University/community service. Although it is not the intent to limit applications, certain themes may be established by the Subcommittee as areas of special interest for the year. Community service projects must be related to the faculty member's role as a representative of an academic profession and the University. New initiatives are favored as opposed to ongoing or continuing projects. The number of grants awarded is determined by the fiscal year budget allocation. Projects are typically undertaken during the academic year and may be completed during the summer. Funds may be used for supplies, materials, services (including undergraduate and graduate assistants), equipment, and travel expenses directly related to the project. Miscellaneous office supplies, conference fees, and stipends for faculty generally are not supported. Normally grant funding is in the range of $300 to $1500. Small grants are favored so that a larger number of faculty members can be involved. Applicants are encouraged to use multiple sources of funding for their projects. When appropriate, applicants may be asked to accept reduced funding for their projects. All expenditures must be made in accordance with state and University budget procedures and must meet University deadlines for encumbrance and payment within the fiscal year of the grant. Projects that involve the use of animals must be approved by the FSU Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee before a project begins. Projects that involve the use of humans as participants in research must be approved by the FSU Institutional Review Board before a project begins.

Eligibility: All continuing full-time faculty members are eligible for project grants. Departments or groups of faculty members are also eligible.

Application procedures: A call for applications is sent to all faculty by the Office of Sponsored Programs during the first week in September for the current academic year. The application includes the following elements:

  • Specification of category (teaching improvement, academic achievement, university/department/community service)
  • Title
  • Statement of objectives
  • Brief description of activities with timeline
  • Statement of impact on applicant’s professional development
  • Statement of benefit to FSU
  • Itemized budget
  • List of titles and dates of previous faculty development grants.

Email the completed application and required supporting materials to FacDev@frostburg.edu. The application deadline is typically during the first week in October. In the event that residual funds are available, an additional call for applications may be made in the Spring semester. Applicants are notified of the Subcommittee's decision 4-6 weeks after the application deadline or by the date posted in the Call for Application email.

Selection procedures and criteria: The Subcommittee reviews and selects proposals for Project Grants. Subcommittee members who have submitted applications may not participate in the selection process. When necessary, to achieve a sufficient number of evaluators and/or to provide expertise, the Subcommittee may appoint additional faculty members to be involved in the review and selection process. Criteria for selection include:

  • Potential for impact on applicant’s professional development
  • Benefit to FSU
  • Clarity of proposal
  • Performance on previous faculty development grants
  • Time elapsed since last faculty development grant
  • Relationship to designated priority areas (if applicable)
  • Potential for generating a grant proposal for external funding
  • Appropriateness of budget for project objectives

Generally, if proposals are of comparable quality, preference is given to applicants who have not had recent grants or stipends.

Budget procedures: FSU accounting procedures and forms must be used for all
project expenditures. Grantees will be given specific information regarding procedures for using project funds.

Project report: Upon completion of the project, a final report must be submitted to the Office of Sponsored Programs. The final report should include a summary of project activities summarizing the achievement of objectives, contribution to the professional development of the faculty member, and benefit to FSU. Faculty members are not eligible for subsequent faculty development funds if they fail to submit a final report. Final reports are kept on file, along with the original proposal, in the Office of Sponsored Programs. Grantees may be asked to present a summary of the project to the university community.

Project Grant Application Form


Workshop/Speaker Grants

Grants are available to bring persons with special expertise to campus for the purpose of conducting workshops or making presentations on topics of general interest to the University community. Workshops/speakers that are more discipline oriented should be funded through schools or departments. Although it is not the intent to limit applications, certain themes may be established by the Subcommittee as areas of special interest for the year. Funds may be provided for the visitor's travel, lodging, and meal costs as well as an honorarium. Refreshments and minor expenses related to the event are not supported. Normally grant funding is in the range of $300 to $1500. Small grants are favored so that a larger number of proposals can be funded. Applicants are encouraged to seek multiple sources of funding for major events. When appropriate, applicants may be asked to accept reduced funding for their projects. All expenditures must be made in accordance with state and University budget procedures and must meet University deadlines for encumbrance and payment within the fiscal year of the grant. Faculty receiving these grants are expected to make all arrangements for the event, including coordination of dates with the University calendar. The number of grants awarded is determined by the fiscal year budget allocation and consideration of how many such events are appropriate for the University calendar in that year.

Eligibility: All continuing full-time faculty members are eligible. Departments or groups of faculty members are also eligible.

Application procedures: A call for applications is sent to all faculty by the Office of Sponsored Programs during the first week of February for Fall Workshop/ Speaker grants and the first week in September for Spring Workshop/Speaker Grants. The application includes the following elements:

  • A brief description of the workshop or presentation
  • A biographical sketch of the proposed presenter(s)
  • A statement of relevance of the topic to the University community
  • Date of the workshop or presentation
  • Proposed location of presentation
  • An itemized budget
  • List of titles and dates of previous faculty development grants
  • The name, social security number, and home address of each presenter or speaker

Email the completed application and required supporting materials to FacDev@frostburg.edu. The application deadline is typically during the first week in April for Fall Workshop/Speaker Grants and the first week in October for the Spring Workshop/Speaker Grants. In the event that residual funds are available, an additional deadline may be established early in the Spring. Applicants are notified of the Subcommittee's decision 4-6 weeks after the application deadline or by date posted in the Call for Application email.

Selection procedures and criteria: The Subcommittee reviews and selects proposals for Workshop/Speaker Grants. Subcommittee members who have submitted applications may not participate in the selection process. When necessary, to achieve a sufficient number of evaluators and/or to provide expertise, the Subcommittee may appoint additional faculty members to be involved in the review and selection process. Criteria for selection include:

  • Qualifications/professional reputation of proposed presenter(s)
  • Evidence of planning/organization of event
  • Relevance of topic to the University community
  • Potential level of participation
  • Performance on previous faculty development grants
  • Clarity of proposal
  • Budget

Generally, if proposals are of comparable quality, preference is given to applicants who have not had recent grants.

Budget procedures: FSU accounting procedures and forms must be used for all
project expenditures. Grantees will be given specific information regarding procedures for using project funds.

Project report: Upon completion of the project, a final report must be submitted to the Office of Sponsored Programs. The final report should include a summary of project activities summarizing the achievement of objectives, contribution to the professional development of the faculty member, and benefit to FSU. Faculty members are not eligible for subsequent faculty development funds if they fail to submit a final report. Final reports are kept on file, along with the original proposal, in the Office of Sponsored Programs. Grantees may be asked to present a summary of the project to the university community.

Workshop/Speaker Grant Application Form


Faculty Lecture Series

The Faculty Lecture Series is designed to provide opportunities for the University community and area residents to hear FSU faculty make presentations in their areas of expertise or experience. This lecture series is a showcase for faculty talent and creativity. Lectures are intended to be for a general audience rather than excessively technical in nature. Creativity in method of presentation is encouraged (use of audiovisual, media, audience participation, etc.). The lectures are approximately one hour in length. Stipends are awarded to those selected. The faculty member provides a written copy of the lecture, which may be included in a publication of the Faculty Lecture Series. The Faculty Member handles publicity and arrangements for the lectures. Appropriate credit must be given the funding agency (i.e., Faculty Development and Sabbatical Subcommittee) in all announcements of this event.

Eligibility: All continuing full-time faculty members are eligible.

Application procedures: A call for applications and nominations for faculty lectures is sent to all faculty by the Office of Sponsored Programs, typically during the first week in February for the following academic year. The application should include the following elements:

  • An abstract of the lecture (approximately 200 words)
  • A brief biographical sketch
  • A statement of relevance to the University community and area residents
  • A list of titles and dates of previous faculty lectures

Email the completed application and required supporting materials to FacDev@frostburg.edu. In the event that residual funds are available and the schedule of lectures is not complete, an additional deadline may be established in the spring semester. Applicants will be notified of the Subcommittee's decision 4-6 weeks after the application deadline or by the date posted in the Call for Application email.

Selection procedures and criteria: The Subcommittee reviews and selects faculty lecture series recipients. Subcommittee members who have submitted applications may not participate in the selection process. Criteria for selection include:

  • Potential interest to University community/area residents
  • Creativity in proposed method of presentation
  • Clarity of proposal
  • Diversity of lecture topics for the year

Generally, if proposals are of comparable quality, preference is given to applicants who have not previously given faculty lectures.

Faculty Lecture Series Grant Application Form


Conference Presentation Grants

Conference Presentation Grants are made available to support professional development by helping to defray the costs of presenting (e.g., discussant, poster, paper, etc.) at a regional, national or international professional conference. Applicants must be presenters at the conference. The grant is not meant to support only attendance at a conference. Successful applicants may receive up to $1000 depending on the Subcommittee's budget allocation and the applicant pool for that fiscal year. The number of grants awarded, and grant amounts are determined each year by the fiscal year budget allocation. Faculty are only eligible to receive one conference presentation grant per fiscal year.

Funding is for applicants who have presented at a conference the same fiscal year (July through June) that the grant is awarded. Funds must be used to defray presentation costs including: a) conference registration fee, b) travel expenses, c) lodging and d) food (see Conference Presentation Grant Application Form). Stipends for faculty are not supported by this type of grant. If more than one faculty member is involved in a presentation at the same conference, each individual faculty member must submit an application with separate expenses and documentation. Faculty may not combine applications. Only one award will be distributed per application.

 This award will be issued as a travel reimbursement after travel has taken place. The University does not advance travel funds. All expenditures and reimbursement must be made in accordance with state and University budget procedures and must meet University deadlines for encumbrance and payment within the fiscal year of the grant. In particular, current University policy limits you to one Expense Form per trip, and it must be received in Accounts Payable within 60 days of the last day of the trip or the IRS will consider it taxable. (See Submission Time Requirement.)

All expenses must be fully documented. If travel has not yet taken place, please provide documentation of anticipated charges. Conference registration fees are supported, but membership to professional organizations is not. Mileage can only be supported if a state car is not available. Mileage to an airport for long-term parking is acceptable.

Eligibility: All continuing full-time faculty members are eligible. Faculty may apply for a Conference Presentation Grant for a conference that they have already attended or one that they plan to attend that occurs within the following 3 months. HOWEVER, all applications must be for a conference attended in the current fiscal year (July through June).

Application procedures: Applications are accepted year-round on a rolling basis and will be accepted up to three months before conferences begin (as always, with appropriate documentation for expected expenses).

The application includes the following elements:

  • a) Completion of the Conference Presentation Grant Application Form
  • b) Documentation of presentation acceptance (the acceptance letter and/or conference proceedings listing the presentation)
  • c) Documentation of expenses

Submit applications by email (with required supporting material) to FacDev@frostburg.edu. Since the Subcommittee is inactive during the summer, early applications are especially encouraged for conferences that occur from May to August. During the academic year, award decisions will be made within two weeks of submission. Applications received after May 21 will not be reviewed.

Selection procedures and criteria: The Subcommittee reviews proposals and selects Conference Presentation Grant recipients. Subcommittee members who have submitted applications may not participate in the review process for their own applications. When necessary to achieve a sufficient number of evaluators and/or to gain appropriate expertise, the Subcommittee may appoint additional faculty members to be involved in the review and selection process. Criteria for selection include:

  • Peer-reviewed conference presentation (poster, paper, and other related professional activity) at a professional conference (regional, national, or international)
  • Completed application (see Application Procedures regarding Application form, documentation of acceptance, and documentation of expenses)
  • Potential impact on applicant's professional development
  • Clarity of application
  • Benefit to FSU
  • Faculty are only eligible for one Conference Presentation award per fiscal year.

Equitable Budget Procedures

The Subcommittee will set aside at least 50% of the budget for Conference Presentation grants. The Subcommittee may increase the dollar amount allocated for conference presentation grants, but it may not decrease the dollar amount. This will result in fluctuations in award amounts each fiscal year. The Subcommittee will make all efforts to award funds to faculty equitably based on the number of expected applications within the fiscal year and the Subcommittee’s budget allocation for that year, with a maximum award amount of $1,000.

 Upon award acceptance, funds will be transferred to the faculty member’s department for reimbursement. FSU Accounts Payable procedures and forms must be used for the expenditure of all grant funds. An applicant must provide proper documentation of conference presentation acceptance and related costs to be eligible for grant funds. No funds will be distributed without proper documentation, including original receipts and submission of a single, completed Request for Travel and Expense Account Form within 60 days of the last day of travel.

Conference Presentation Grant Application Form


Publication Assistance Grants

An important part of faculty development is publication of research and other scholarly efforts in refereed journals or other professional venues such as occur in the visual and performing arts. The purpose of Publication Assistance Grants is to help faculty defray the costs of these endeavors. Funds can be used only to pay page charges. Stipends for manuscript preparation, additional reprints, or other costs are not supported. Costs for color images will only be supported if the color figure is absolutely necessary. Only publication in reputable journals will be supported, the subcommittee reserves the right to research the journal and consult experts in the field, as to avoid ‘predatory journals’. Additionally, only publication of original peer-reviewed work is acceptable. Publication of grey literature or publication in non- or partially peer reviewed journals will not be supported. Faculty stipends cannot be paid with these funds, nor will reimbursement for costs associated with conducting research or writing prior to a manuscript being accepted for publication.

Eligibility: All continuing full-time faculty members are eligible.

Application procedures: A call for applications is sent to all faculty by the Office of Sponsored Programs during the first week in September and again during the first week of Feburary. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis September through March. The application procedures include the following:

  • Completion of the Publication Assistance Grant Application Form
  • Documentation of acceptance of manuscript for publication
  • Documentation of expenses (Copy of Purchase Order)

Email the completed application and required supporting materials to FacDev@frostburg.edu. Decisions are normally announced within 4-6 weeks or by the date posted in the Call for Application email.

Selection procedures and criteria: The Subcommittee reviews and selects Publication Assistance Grant recipients. Subcommittee members who have submitted applications may not participate in the review process for their own application. When necessary, to achieve a sufficient number of evaluators and/or to provide expertise, the Subcommittee may appoint experts in the field or additional faculty members to be involved in the review and selection process. Criteria for selection include:

  • Potential for impact on applicant's professional development
  • Clarity of application
  • Benefit to FSU
  • Performance on previous faculty development grants
  • Time elapsed since last faculty development grant

Budget Procedures: FSU accounting procedures and forms must be used for all project expenditures. Grantees will be given specific information regarding procedures for using project funds.

Publication Assistance Grant Application Form


Undergraduate Research Project Grants

Undergraduate Research Project Grants are designed to encourage faculty to mentor undergraduate students in a new or ongoing research project during the summer. Students will serve as research assistants. Faculty are responsible for mentoring students in the research process and assisting them in preparation for a career in research and/or University teaching. Grants provide $2,000 for a student summer stipend and $750 for research materials, travel and supplies. Finally, if funds are available, faculty mentors may be granted a $1,000 stipend, however these funds will not be awarded until April after student awards are granted. Due to the cost and competitiveness of this grant, the number of grants awarded is likely to be very limited in any given year. Projects that involve the use of animals must be approved by the FSU Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee before a project begins. Projects that involve the use of humans as participants in research must be approved by the FSU Institutional Review Board before a project begins.

Eligibility: All continuing full-time faculty members are eligible.

Application procedures: A call for applications is sent to faculty during the first week of February. The application deadline typically falls during the first week of March. The application must include the following elements:

  • Project title
  • Statement of objectives
  • Brief description of activities with timeline
  • Statement of benefit to FSU
  • List of titles and dates of previous faculty development grants
  • Letter from student stating their commitment to report (note: if no student has been chosen, please describe student recruitment process on application)

Email the completed application and required supporting materials to FacDev@frostburg.edu. Applicants are notified of the Subcommittee's decision 4-6 weeks after the application deadline or by the date posted in the Call for Application email. Faculty stipend decisions come at the end of April.

Selection procedures and criteria: The Subcommittee reviews and selects undergraduate research project grant recipients. Subcommittee members who have submitted applications may not participate in the review and selection process. When necessary, to achieve a sufficient number of evaluators and/or to provide expertise, the Subcommittee may appoint additional faculty members to be involved in the review and selection process. Criteria for selection include:

  • Potential for impact on applicants' professional development
  • Benefit to FSU
  • Clarity of Proposal
  • Need for undergraduate research student assistance
  • Performance on previous faculty development grants
  • Time elapsed since last faculty development grant, faculty are not eligible for awards in consecutive years.

Project report: Upon completion of the project, a final report must be submitted to the Office of Sponsored Programs. The final report should include a summary of project activities summarizing the achievement of objectives, contribution to the professional development of the faculty member, and benefit to FSU. Faculty members are not eligible for subsequent faculty development funds if they fail to submit a final report. Final reports are kept on file, along with the original proposal, in the Office of Sponsored Programs. Grantees may be asked to present a summary of the project to the University community.

Undergraduate Research Project Grant Application Form


Graduate Research Project Grants

Graduate Research Project Grants are designed to encourage faculty to mentor graduate students in a new or ongoing research project during the summer. Students will serve as research assistants. Faculty are responsible for mentoring students in the research process and assisting them in preparation for a career in research and/or University teaching. Grants provide $2000 for a student summer stipend and $750 for research materials, travel and supplies. Finally, if funds are available, faculty mentors may be granted a $1,000 stipend, however these funds will not be awarded until April after student awards are granted. Due to the cost and competitiveness of this grant, the number awarded are likely to be very limited in any given year. Projects that involve the use of animals must be approved by the FSU Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee before a project begins. Projects that involve the use of humans as research participants must be approved by the FSU Institutional Review Board before a project begins.

Eligibility: All continuing full-time faculty members are eligible.

Application procedures: A call for applications is sent to faculty during the first week in February. The application must include the following elements:

  • Project title
  • Statement of objective
  • Brief description of activities with timeline
  • Statement of benefit to FSU
  • List of titles and dates of previous faculty development grants

Email the completed application and required supporting materials to FacDev@frostburg.edu. The application deadline typically falls in the first week of March. Applicants are notified of the Subcommittee’s decision 4-6 weeks after the application deadline or by the date posted in the Call for Application email.

Selection procedures and criteria: The Subcommittee reviews and selects graduate research project grant recipients. Subcommittee members who have submitted applications may not participate in the review and selection process. When necessary, to achieve a sufficient number of evaluators and/or to provide expertise, the Subcommittee may appoint additional faculty members to be involved in the review and selection process. Criteria for selection include:

  • Potential for impact on applicants’ professional development
  • Benefit to FSU
  • Clarity of Proposal
  • Need for graduate research student assistance
  • Performance on previous faculty development grants
  • Time elapsed since last faculty development grant, faculty are not eligible for awards in consecutive years.

Project report: It is expected that the research conducted may produce publications and/or presentations for future consideration. Upon completion of the summer project, a final report must be submitted to the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. The final report should include a summary of project activities, implications for continued research and a statement of how the project benefits FSU. Final reports are kept on file in the Office of Sponsored Programs. Grantees (faculty and student) are encouraged to present an oral summary of their research project to the University community.

Graduate Research Project Grant Application Form



Faculty Achievement Awards

Each year, Faculty Achievement Awards are presented to individual faculty in each of three categories: teaching, academic accomplishment, and University/community service. The awards represent peer recognition of outstanding performance in each of the award categories. The award winners receive individual plaques and cash awards of $1,000 provided by the FSU Foundation. The names of the award winners are placed on a plaque in the Hitchins Building.

Eligibility: All full time faculty members who have not won an award in the category of nomination for the previous three years are eligible.

Nomination procedures: A call for nominations is sent to all faculty during the first week in February. Nominations may be submitted for any category by the faculty member in his or her own behalf, by another faculty member, or by an academic department through a process developed by the department. Nominations for the University/community service award may be submitted by administrators. Only individual applications/nominations are accepted. Nomination forms are included in this handbook. In addition to the nomination form, supporting materials should be submitted as indicated in the following paragraphs. Although primary consideration is given by the Subcommittee to materials representing performance during the past three years, previous accomplishments and contributions will be considered as well. Given the supporting materials required, it is usually expedient for nominees to participate fully in the nomination process. Incomplete nominations are severely disadvantaged and nominees are not considered without their written consent. While complete nominations are required, nominators should not overwhelm the Subcommittee with a volume of supporting materials.

Nominations in the teaching category should include copies of reports of student evaluations, departmental rating of teaching and overall rating of teaching to be taken from the faculty evaluation system, sample course materials, letters of support and a self-statement from the nominee.

Nominations in the academic accomplishment category should include letters of support, a self-statement from the nominee, reprints of publications, a list of external grant proposals submitted and awards received, or other tangible evidence of scholarly or creative accomplishments. The nominee should provide all appropriate relevant supporting materials.

Nominations in the University/community service category should include letters of support, a self-statement from the nominee, and summaries of the nominee's specific contributions. Contributions include service to the department, the University, and the community. Preferably the community service would be in connection with the faculty member's professional role.

Nominees must be at least "effective and competent" in all categories of the faculty evaluation system: teaching, academic achievement, and service, in order to be considered for an award.

The original and six copies of the nomination form and one copy of each of the supporting materials must be submitted to the Office of Sponsored Programs by the first week in April. 

Selection procedures and criteria: The Subcommittee reviews the nominations and determines the winners in each category and recommends them to the FSU Foundation Awards Committee. If circumstances warrant, the Subcommittee may recommend that an award be shared by two faculty members. The Subcommittee Chair forwards the names of award winners to the Provost in time for them to be included in the program for the Spring Honors Convocation. Award winners are notified by the Provost.

Criteria for selection in the teaching category include:

  • Evidence of unique contributions to teaching as reflected in supporting materials
  • Must have received “outstanding” recommendations for teaching
  • Evidence of effective and engaging rapport with students.

Criteria for selection in the academic achievement category include significance of accomplishment as documented by:

  • National/regional/local impact and quality and quantity of accomplishments
  • Evidence of contribution of knowledge to the discipline
  • Record of scholarly productivity
  • Evidence of sustained academic growth and development

Criteria for selection in the University/community service category include:

  • Quality and quantity of service beyond the normal expectations for a faculty member, as assessed in the supporting materials
  • Record of sustained service
  • Evidence of short and long term impact of service activities


Summer Stipends

Summer Stipends are designed to provide funding for faculty members to work intensively on a faculty development project during the summer. Successful applicants receive a $2250 stipend for the completion of a project in the area of teaching improvement, academic achievement, or University/community service. Community service projects must be related to the faculty member's role as a representative of an academic profession and the University. New initiatives are favored as opposed to ongoing or continuing projects. The number of summer stipends awarded is determined by the fiscal year budget allocation. Normally additional funding for project expenses is not provided. Grantees should seek departmental funds for incidental project expenses. Grantees are expected to complete their projects before the beginning of the academic year. The Subcommittee solicits and evaluates proposals for summer stipends. Files of successful and unsuccessful proposals are located in the Office of Sponsored Programs. Projects that involve the use of animals must be approved by the FSU Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee before a project begins. Projects that involve the use of humans as participants in research must be approved by the FSU Institutional Review Board before a project begins.

Eligibility: All continuing full-time faculty members are eligible.

Application procedures: A call for applications is sent to all faculty during the first week in February. The application must include the following elements:

  • Specification of category (teaching improvement, academic achievement, University/community service)
  • Title
  • Statement of objectives
  • Brief description of activities with timeline
  • Statement of impact on applicant's professional development
  • Statement of benefit to FSU
  • List of titles and dates of previous faculty development grants

Email the completed application and required supporting materials to FacDev@frostburg.edu. The application deadline is typically during the first week in March. Applicants are notified of the Subcommittee's decision 4-6 weeks after the application deadline or by the date posted in the Call for Application email.

Selection procedures and criteria: The Subcommittee reviews and selects summer stipend recipients. Subcommittee members who have submitted applications may not participate in the selection process. When necessary, to achieve a sufficient number of evaluators and/or to provide expertise, the Subcommittee may appoint additional faculty members to be involved in the review and selection process. Criteria for selection include:

  • Potential for impact on applicant's professional development
  • Benefit to FSU
  • Clarity of proposal
  • Performance on previous faculty development grants
  • Time elapsed since last faculty development grant, faculty are not eligible for awards in consecutive years.
  • Relationship to designated priority areas (if applicable)
  • Potential for generating a grant proposal for external funding

Generally, if proposals are of comparable quality, preference is given to applicants who have not had recent grants or stipends.

Project report: Upon completion of the project, a final report must be submitted to the Office of Sponsored Programs. The final report should include a summary of project activities summarizing the achievement of objectives, contribution to the professional development of the faculty member, and benefit to FSU. Faculty members are not eligible for subsequent faculty development funds if they fail to submit a final report. Final reports are kept on file, along with the original proposal, in the Office of Sponsored Programs. Grantees may be asked to present a summary of the project to the University community.

Payment of Stipends: Stipends are paid in one installment at the end of the fiscal year. Faculty members should be aware that stipends are taxable income and are subject to various deductions.

Summer Stipend Application Form