Recovered Indirect Costs
Quick Forms Policies & Guidelines
In order to provide an incentive for faculty members and administrators to seek external grants, the University returns a portion of its recovered indirect costs to the project directors and departments that generate grants.
The Project Director Fund
Project directors may use these funds to support any otherwise unfunded scholarly activity or university business—for example, publication costs, conference travel, or instructional supplies.
The Department Fund
Departments may use these funds to (a) encourage grant-seeking or (b) to cover expenses that cannot be charged directly to grants (such as equipment or cost overruns).
Grant-seeking activities may include the hiring of adjuncts to provide course release for grant-funded activities, conference travel to present grant-related findings, cost-sharing or matching, or other grant related activities. Funds cannot be used for ordinary operating expenses, such as office supplies, routinely budgeted personnel costs, normally scheduled travel, etc.
To request these funds, submit a ICR Department Fund Purchase Request form to the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP).
At the conclusion of each fiscal year, unobligated balances that have been in the Departmental Fund for at least 12 months will be transferred to the Matching Fund. Faculty and staff can request these funds for grant-seeking activities by submitting a request to the Office of Sponsored Programs.
For more details, see the full policy by following the link below.