Program Requirements
Staying on track with your program doesn't have to be a guessing game. You have multiple resources available to plan each semester and ultimately finished your program in a timely manner. And ultimately, you are responsible for meeting all the requirements for graduation. Make informed decisions by consulting these resources.
Requirements for a Minor in Leadership Studies
Total hours: 18
Required Courses (12 credit hours)
- STCO 102 Introduction to Strategic Communication Leadership OR STCO 122 Introduction to Public Communication
- LEAD 101 Introduction to Leadership Studies
- LEAD 301 Organizational Leadership OR MGMT 356 Leadership and Human Behavior
- LEAD 401 Citizen Leadership
Select 2 electives from 2 categories below (6 credit hours)
Leadership Competencies:
- STCO 215 Collaboration and Team Communication
- STCO 300 Communication and Relationships
- STCO 322 Presentational Communication
- STCO 335 Organizational Communication
- STCO 345 Conflict Management
- PSYC 385 Group Processes
- RECR 382 Program Planning
- SOCI 325 Community Analysis
Leadership Dynamics and Ethics:
- PHIL 305 Criminal Justice Ethics
- PHIL 308 Political Philosophy
- PHIL 313 Biomedical Ethics
- PHIL 410 Philosophy of Law
- POSC 462 Personality and Politics
- PSYC 314 Theories of Personality
- PSYC 318 Social Psychology
- SOWK 375 Human Behavior and the Social Environment I
Leadership Contexts:
- STCO 365 Environmental Communication
- EMME 316 Electronic Media Management
- MGMT 251 Management of Organizations
- MGMT 359 Quality Management
- POSC 321 State and Local Politics
- POSC 323 Public Administration
- POSC 352 Interest Groups
- POSC 358 American Public Policy
- POSC 427 The American Presidency
- RECR 380 Recreation Leadership
- SOWK 370 Introduction to Social Welfare and Social Work
More Resources
If you have any questions regarding your degree progress, please feel free to contact your advisor by phone or e-mail, or by setting up an appointment.
Dr. Elesha L. Ruminski, Professor of Communication Studies, Coordinator of Leadership Studies,, 301-687-4480