Payment Plans
Frostburg State University has partnered with Transact to offer a payment plan. Our payment plan is an interest-free, debt-free way to spread tuition payments over a number of months. The Transact payment plan is not a loan. There is no interest payments involved, only a small enrollment fee with the plan's first installment.
University & Student Billing Office
Frostburg State University
101 Braddock Road
Frostburg, MD 21532
Telephone: 301.687.4321
Fax: 301.687.4592
Cashier window hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Email and phone responses: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
To enroll in a payment plan:
Student Transact Payment plans Can also be accessed through PAWS student center by clicking on View e-bill or make a payment. Then click on enroll in payment plan.
Transact for those with a PIN & PasswordPINS and passwords must be assigned by the student
Transact for New Students/ All Other Users (credit card payments only)
This site accepts VISA, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover.
4-Pay Payment Plan
Imported plan: The budget is determined by the amount due showing in PAWS and does not include anticipated aid. The amount is automatically adjusted based on changes to FSU charges and financial aid adjustments.
User defined plan: The budget is defined by the user. This plan is designed to allow the user to subtract financial aid that has not been posted to PAWS (i.e., anticipated aid, DC Tag, Veterans benefits, 529 plans, employer assistance). Users must make changes to the budget if anything changes.
Enrollment in either of the plans is designed as a 4-pay payment plan is for one semester (fall or spring only). The charge to enroll is $45.00 per semester. The enrollment fee is required upon setup of the plan and payments are based on the following due dates:
- Fall Due Dates: August 1, September 1, October 1, and November 1
- Spring Due Dates: January 1, February 1, March 1, and April 1
- Enrollment after the first due date requires the enrollment fee and the first payment.
Prior Balance Plan - HB1014
As a result of the Maryland Law that went into effect 7/1/2016, Colleges and Universities are required to allow students who have balances from a prior term (one term) to register for a future term as long as the student is on an approved payment plan.
Frostburg State University will allow students, who have an outstanding balance from the current fall or spring term attended and greater than $250.00, to register for a future term after early registration ends, if the student takes the following actions:
1. Pay 50% of the outstanding balance directly to the University by cash, credit card, money order, or cashier's check.
2. Sign-up for a payment plan through the University & Student Billing Office for the remaining past due balance. The past due balance must be paid in full before the first day of class for the new term.
3. Students with a past due balance requesting registration for the current term, once the term has begun, must complete payment in-full for the prior balance due. The past due balance must be paid to the University by cash, credit card, money order, or cashier's check.
If the student takes those actions, the University & Student Billing will first verify the actions have occurred and then place positive service indicators indicating the enrollment into a Special Payment Plan on the student account. This indicator allows staff to temporarily release the past due service indicators for the purposes of future term registration for a 24-hour period, additional releases may be available upon the student's request. The student will continue to receive collection letters until their balance is paid in full.
If a student fails to adhere to the payment plan requirements or if their prior term balance is not paid in full by the end of the current term they are attending, the student is removed from courses in the future term, and the account is placed in the university collection cycle with all applicable restrictions. Failure to pay the balance in full may result in the account being forwarded to CCU and all collection fees may be applied to the account.
* Accounts with CCU are not eligible for the "Prior Balance Plan."