Tax Information

In accordance with requirements of the Tax Relief Act of 1997, the 1098-T tax credit form is intended to provide you with information to assist you in determining your eligibility for possible American Opportunity Credits or Lifetime Learning Credits. This tax credit form will be mailed to the permanent address of the student on or before January 31 each year. However, you may receive it sooner if you grant consent for us to electronically transmit the form to you. If you have not already done so, please visit the consent page (instructions below).

If you do not have access to your PAWS account, did not receive your current 1098T form (spring and intersession of the current tax year are generally billed and reported on the 1098Tform for the last tax year), or need a copy of a prior year: please send an email to Be sure to include your name, student identification number, and tax year requested. Payment may be required prior to processing any prior year requests. Current year tax forms are mailed by January 31 each year, requests for current year paper forms are not processed until after that date. The electronic version of the 1098T is available via your PAWS account by January 15 each year.

If your citizenship is listed as anything other than U.S.A. and you wish to have a 1098T, please request that one be issued to you via your FSU email account to In order to have a valid 1098T the student must possess a valid U.S. tax identification number (SSN, ITIN, etc.).

IRS Publications

IRS Publication 970 (Tax Benefits for Higher Education), and Publication 520 (Scholarships and Fellowships) is available from the IRS Web site or by calling 1-800-TAX-FORM.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is a 1098-T form?

    You, or the person who can claim you as a dependent, may be able to claim an education credit on Form 1040. This statement is furnished to you by FSU. This statement is required to support any claim, and for an education credit. Retain the statement for your records.

  2. Why do I need the 1098-T?

    The qualified payments received for qualified tuition and related expenses listed on this form may reduce taxes owed for the current filing year or make you aware of potential qualification to an education credit.

  3. How do I get the 1098-T?

    If you qualify for one in the given tax year, we will mail a paper copy to your permanent home address on file. This mailing will be postmarked by January 31. If you have not already done so, you may take advantage of our online form that is electronically available earlier than the paper copy. To get the online copy sooner, you must grant consent in the student portal. This electronic process starts in early January. You will be alerted by your campus email once available to view.

    To grant consent:

    1. Login to PAWS
    2. Click the Self Service link
    3. Click the Student Center link
    4. Under the Finances section, select “View 1098T”
    5. Select the Grant Consent button


  4. Why did I not receive a form?

    Not all students will receive a 1098-T form for the tax year. You will NOT receive a form in the following cases:

    1. Courses for which no academic credit is offered, even if the student is otherwise enrolled in a degree program.
    2. Nonresident alien students, unless specifically requested by the student.
    3. Students whose qualified tuition and related expenses are entirely waived or paid entirely with grants, scholarships, or third-party benefits.


  5. Where can I read more information about education tax credits?

    Please visit the IRS web page regarding “Tax Benefits for Education” also known as Publication 970

  6. Which tax credits do I qualify for?

    Frostburg State University is unable to provide you with tax advice or to assist with tax filing instructions. To determine your potential eligibility, please consult your tax advisor or the Internal Revenue Service.

  7. What does the 1098-T form look like?

    A blank copy of the 1098-T form can be found on the IRS site.

  8. What do the numbers in each box mean and how do you calculate the numbers within each?

    All amounts reported on this form are reported as positive amounts. Each box is designated for certain information per IRS regulations.

    • Box 1: Shows the total payments received by an eligible educational institution in the tax year from any source for qualified tuition and related expenses less any reimbursements or refunds made during the tax year that relate to those payments received in the tax year.
    • Box 2: Reserved
    • Box 3: Shows whether your educational institution changed its reporting method for the tax year. For 2018, FSU has changed from reporting the amounts billed to the payments received. You should be aware of this change in figuring your education credits.
    • Box 4: The listed amount here (if any) will show the total of qualified tuition and fees reductions in the current calendar year for charges that were reported in a previous calendar year.
    • Box 5: Grants, waivers, scholarships, and third-party benefits received in the tax year are listed in box 5. Examples of amounts that might appear here are Pell and other federal grants, state grants and scholarships, tuition waivers, and Frostburg State University grants. Loan amounts are not reported in any box.
    • Box 6: The listed amount here (if any) will show the total of any scholarship, grant, or third-party benefit reductions in the current calendar year for aid that was credited in a previous calendar year.
    • Box 7: This box is checked if the amount in box 2 includes amounts for an academic period beginning January through March. For instance, you are enrolled in the intersession or spring semester, but charges for either of those terms were actually posted to your account in the prior year.
    • Box 8: Half-time student status
    • Box 9: Graduate student status
    • Box 10: Frostburg State University does not use box 10.
    • Future developments. For the latest information about developments related to Form 1098-T

  9. What is the 1098-E?

    The 1098-E is a “Student loan Interest Statement” provided by your student loan servicer in each tax year if applicable to you. This form is completely separate from the 1098-T we have discussed above. Frostburg State University does not have any input on the 1098-E because this tax form coincides with any interest paid to a servicer for federal student loans.

University & Student Billing Office
Frostburg State University
101 Braddock Road
Frostburg, MD 21532

Telephone: 301.687.4321
Fax: 301.687.4592

Cashier window hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Email and phone response: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.. to 4:30 p.m.