Ceremony Instructions
The ceremonies are approximately 90 minutes in length (please use this time as a very general guide, however, because times will fluctuate depending on the number of students being presented for graduation).
- The Processional is led by the University's Grand Marshal, a faculty member recognized for his/her tenure at the institution. Faculty enter first, followed by the stage party and then the students.
- Greetings are brought to the graduates and guests by the President, Regent and other special guests.
- Frostburg State University feels strongly that Commencement should celebrate the achievements of its graduates. As a result, well-known personalities or leaders in a specific field are not invited to deliver a keynote speech. Instead, an outstanding student is selected from each College by faculty vote. These students then serve as the Commencement keynote speakers.
- After the students representing each College have spoken, the President of the University announces that the granting of degrees will begin. The Provost assumes the podium and directs the presentation of diplomas. The hooding of doctoral candidates is first, followed by presentation of diplomas to master's candidates, then candidates for the bachelor's degree are called individually and alphabetically by College. All candidates for the bachelor's degree graduating with honors (summa cum laude, magna cum laude, and cum laude) are further recognized when their name is called.
- You’ll come up, BY ROWS. The ushers will guide you
- You will approach the usher who will scan your name card, be given back your card, and then continue on to the podium to have your name card read.
- Your name will be announced and you will cross the stage.
- The President will present you with a certificate, shake your hand, and another picture will be taken.
- At the bottom of the ramp another picture will be taken, and then an usher will direct you to the path back to your seat.
- After all diplomas have been awarded, congratulatory wishes are given and the students do the traditional tassel switch, symbolically declaring the graduates' entrance into the Alumni Association.
- The Grand Marshal officially closes the ceremony and leads the stage party out of the auditorium, followed by the students and the faculty.
- All graduates will stand and do the tassel tradition. The tassel is on the right side of your mortarboard when you come in; and you will change it to the left.
- The stage party will leave and the faculty will come off the stage and form a line to congratulate you as you leave.
- When you leave the arena, you will go back downstairs and then you may come back upstairs to join your family and friends.
- Again, please be sure to let your family and friends know where to meet you.